Movement App — Competition system

4 min readNov 29, 2017


In this article, we are going to discuss the competition component of the Movement App. Our decision to extend the platform by providing such functionality was greatly inspired by the community and their propositions. Everybody in our team agrees that such a system would greatly improve user experience and retention which is vital for the platform’s growth. We came up with the following competition components: Tournaments, 1vs1 bet, leveling system, daily challenges and friend referral bonuses. Now we’re going to discuss them separately in more detail.


This could be a massive event with league or leaderboard system. The idea is that every participant will have to pay the admission fee (in MOVE tokens) in order to join, some sponsors might pitch in with special prizes too. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will get the prizes and rewards between them. Other people will be able to view the tournament in real time, speak in the chat and support different users.

1 vs 1 bet:

This could be a fun way to earn MOVE tokens. The concept lies in simple sport betting vs another player. For instance, you challenge another person who runs 5 miles faster and bet some amount of MOVE tokens. The other person has to match the bet in order for the challenge to begin. Once the person accepts your bet you both need to get ready, once you are ready you will hit the “START” button and begin competing. Our platform will ensure the transparency of the challenge by recording all the steps and GPS position. We will monitor both players at the same time and look for any abnormal behavior to prevent cheating.

Daily Challenges:

This idea is simple but kind of fun at the same time, it also has a lot of monetization potential. Everyday users will receive daily challenges about some geographical location near them that they should run to. We will take the user’s previous physical activity history in order to come up with a reasonable distance for them to run. For instance, if you at most ran 5 miles using our platform we will not challenge you to run 10 miles. We will not disclose the location to the users until they accept the challenge. Once the challenge is accepted the platform will give the location and start monitoring the physical activity of the users. If you hop into the car and just drive there, Movement App platform anti-cheat system will detect that. One also couldn’t just use the GPS hack to get to the place because you don’t only need the GPS location but also the steps that you made to confirm that you got there.

Our team is very excited about this particular feature because we see a lot of monetization potential here. For example, let’s say the user is given a daily challenge to run to some place in their hometown. After they get there we could show them some relevant add, like “Hey you must be tired, there is a really nice coffe/juice/protein bar around the corner — check it out!”. The idea is to be able to drive users to businesses and grow the platform’s revenue which will drive the price of MOVE Token.

Level system:

Leveling system is going to be implemented. This means that every user will be able to raise their level by completing daily challenges, 1 on 1 challenges and Tournaments. The app will reward user for each level with different things (RUN coins, in-app Store Discounts, etc.). Level could also be raised by activity in social sector of the app. We’re also planning to use level in as part of our anti-cheating system. High-level users will be regarded as more reputed and trustable, while if we see a 1 level user run 40 miles per day we will mark that activity as suspicious.


Or team develops this app not only to motivate and reward people for physical activity, but to unite everyone who loves sports, active & healthy lifestyle. Users will be able to communicate, share photos or short videos and even start a personal blog. Users will be able to reward the most interesting blogs/photos/videos/articles with likes and shares, that would make authors level grow.

Friends Referrals:

Users refer friends to the app and get some kind of bonus + some percentage of the RUN coins you and your friend earns for some time.

We are working hard to make our app not just an app for one-time use. We want it to become a social network of interesting and progressive people who love sports and life. We are confident that such concept has a great potential and solves a relevant problem in the unique way: provides fully functional economic model based on ERC-20 protocol, full transparency due to the concept of blockchain and a unique investment potential for early contributors.

Movement App

Development Team

