Movement App — Running pools

2 min readDec 6, 2017


Running pools is the functionality for runners to cooperate with the MOVE Token holders (investors). This will allow token holders to get passive income in terms of RUN coins by holding MOVE Tokens. Here is how we envision it to work. Investor holds some MOVE Tokens, users of the Movement App perform physical activities and generate revenue for the platform by the means of advertising. Investor has a choice to “sponsor” some running team. In other words, one could share the stake of their MOVE Tokens with others and divide the bonus. Of course, investor will get the biggest cut of the bonus because it’s the investor’s MOVE Tokens that generated the bonus, but the runners will get some part too because investor didn’t perform any physical exercise to generate RUN Coins. The Movement App platform will act as a mediator in that system so that the investor will never actually have to jeopardize their MOVE Tokens by transferring them to anyone. Investor just has to declare their MOVE Tokens are in the “share” state with some group of people who run and generate RUN Coins. Investor will have an ability to stop sharing their MOVE Tokens with others at any moment they desire without any penalties. The team of runners that was sponsored will divide the rest of the bonus based on the RUN Coins they generated respectively. So that system ensures the win-win scenario for investors and users and will provide the security and monetization mechanisms to make it appeal for investors to use it.

Movement App

Development Team

