Front seat magic

Moyin Ademigoke
2 min readOct 4, 2017


That’s the best position to understand a lecture. Recently I made up my mind that for any class it’s the front or nothing. I’ve found that sitting in the front is the answer to many of our class issues. Here are some solutions that sitting in the front can offer you;

Longer attention span

I’ve found that sitting right in front of your lecturer helps to keep you focused moreso lecturers tend to give more attention to those at the front thererby making you want to learn more.

Prevents sleeping

Sleeping the number two distraction in class after the ladies can be avoided in class cuz your body recognizes the consequences of dozing off in the front of the lecturer. Also I’ve found that others that sit are the front are usually more willing to prevent you from sleeping.

More serious people

It’s no new news that serious people prefer the front and vice versa. When you sit with serious people they can easily explain whatever you’re being taught if you don’t understand at any point. Also serious people are less likely to cause distractions.

Less distractions

We all know how our colleagues can be when they feel the lecture is boring or they can’t understand what’s being taught, they basically just resent to all kind of activities(watching videos, chatting) that can be very distracting. But at the front were the serious ones are you’ll hardly see such activities.

Understanding the Lecture

Finally the most important benefit is that you get to actually understand the lecture. I’ve been having a hard time understanding a course titled ‘control systems’, recently i decided to sit at the front for a lecture that was supposed go be way harder than the previous ones but guess what i found it to be very easy.


I know some people don’t really value understanding whats being taught they’ll rather read it up on their own but I tell you understanding in class makes reading easier and faster.

Thank you for getting to the end, I hope you learnt something new please hit the 👏button so others can get the opportunity to learn from it.

