Moyin Ademigoke
2 min readDec 31, 2017

There are still pharisees Among us

I decided to write about these because it’s an attitude I want us to leave behind in 2017.

What event lead me to write this?

One day I came back from class after a long day’s work then my roommate says to me ‘you must be the coolest spirikoko I know’

Spirikoko is a title given to people that seem to be very spiritual. Being spiritual is simply obedience to God. Truth be told I’m not a fan of the word spirikoko, I’m just here to live for my God.

Then he starts explaining how some so called spiritual people behave to those we call ‘people of the world’. He says they act very snobbish almost like racist all because they are the ones that please God, serve God and are favorites of our Father in heaven.

These people indeed remind me of the Pharisees, they were only supposed to hate the sins of others as God taught us but also decided to hate and discriminate their fellow men. I want us to learn from what jesus did and how God operates;

Jesus went to Zacheus’ house even though he was a tax collector and holy as our Nigerian politicians.

remember how Jesus said that he came to the world for the sinners

remember that God allows rain to fall on everybody and sun to shine on us all believers or unbelievers

So I’m saying, yes our bible says that ‘we should be unequally yoked with unbelievers ’. We should not take that avenue to discriminate others or think of our self more highly than others. Let’s be like Jesus, let’s treat them with love, lets dine with them if you don’t get close enough how do you want to explain how to live a Godly life.

Finally some of us should already know we are guilty of this and some of us have been acting like this unknowingly I’ll like us to take a humble step to change our ways.

I just wanted to make sure we dropped this attitude in 2017 stay blessed and Happy New Year in advance.