Two things you dint know were Important for Successful Teamwork

Moyin Ademigoke
4 min readJul 24, 2017


Together Everyone Achieves Greatness

At the end of the day one is too small a number to achieve greatness. In life we should learn to accept that most times we need a team to achieve our personal or shared goals. Successful teamwork then becomes necessary, this has proven itself in many success stories like Twitter which involved Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Glass and Biz stone, Twitter has four founders that begs the differ, another Giant company Apple involved Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and some other engineers who formed the foundation of our beloved Apple Incorporation. This applies to many other stories like Spotify, Electronics Art(EA), even Audi our very successful automobile manufacturer was formed by four predecessor motor companies which gave birth to the successful Audi car company which is recognized as one of the best selling Luxury automobile brands in the world.

I believe most of us have worked in a team before whether consciously or not if we take a tour through our life’s journey we’ll notice that and I’m sure we’ve learnt some few things about teamwork for instance communication, Good leadership, commitment, planning, appreciating team members, understanding and setting goals, creativity, innovation, coherent decision making and on and on.To learn more about team work I’ll advice you read “17 Indisputable laws of Teamwork” by John Maxwell.

Enough of pulling your legs lets get straight to two important things that are very important for successful teamwork. They are Trust and Patience.

Trust: Teamwork can be modeled as a relationship. In relationships the foundation is usually based on Love and Trust except that many at times in team work love can be easily substituted for things like passion, drive, zeal… but Trust, no because it’s like the first block, if you don’t trust somebody you can’t have a comfortable relationship, there will be inconveniences also this happens when it comes to teamwork. Sometimes team members have to earn it from one another but I’ll advice when newly forming a team everyone should be given an open card. Truth be told as time goes on some people might seem to falter thereby reducing you trust for them. I’ll suggest that you take chances after all as a team, we fail together and win together. Give the person a reason to believe in him or herself as this promotes a healthy team. I’ve been privileged to work with a couple of teams and I figured out that “a person’s performance is usually related with the level of trust you have for them ”, how much you believe in them that they will get the Job done goes a long way to affect how a person will carry out a a job.

“a person’s performance is usually related with the level of trust you have for them ”

Patience: This one is no easy task, being patient with some team members could be very annoying and frustrating. Sometimes people act like they can’t see the goal that is needed to be achieved but the thing is most times you are probably seeing things the wrong way. I’ll give you a few scenarios;

It could be that a team mate is unnecessarily being reluctant

what if the Person is actually getting a lot done behind the scenes but always looks like all is cool, seems to be playing when everybody is serious about work

what if the person is someone that prefers to work in odd hours like night time when he/she is more efficient and seems to play or sleep all day

what if the person is slow or spend a lot of time on the task given but usually ends up with high quality results

considering these factors you can’t afford to be quick to judging. However I’ll urge team players to learn to “be patient with fellow team members because there might be a what if you don’t know about”. Be patient, take things one step at a time and invest in people you work with.

“be patient with fellow team members because there might be a what if you don’t know about”

I’ll like too emphasis again that one is too small a number to achieve greatness therefore among many tools we need Trust and Patience because it’s key to successful team work.

Trust and Patience

