Are you struggling to write a first article? So did I, and here’s how I got over it!

Mr. Sanders
3 min readSep 8, 2024


Hey there, reader!

I am so glad you have stumbled upon this article. I just wanted to say “Hi”. This is the first article that I have ever published.

So what’s the point of this article, then?

Well, I wanted there to be a first. So here it is. I didn’t know what to write about, admittedly. So I wrote one about itself. See? Easy!

It helped me break through my weeklong writer’s block. It may not be much, and it probably won’t gain many views. But it’s a step — a first step. One that could take me nowhere, or toward a whole new path in life. Regardless of what the outcome might be, it will be a story in and of itself.

An adventure that might end tonight, next week, in a month, or even decades from now. It might last a lifetime of stories until old age kisses me goodnight. I sincerely hope to keep writing forever, but who knows? I might eventually decide writing isn’t for me after all, that is also a possibility.

For now though, I hope you will take this as an inspiration. I hope it will garner you the courage to just start writing. That you can write about anything, even if it’s a topic as ordinary as this. It doesn’t have to be special or even good enough — it just has to exist.

The only way to find out if your dreams are truly yours to take is to just go ahead and try it. You may take hundreds of courses, read thousands of books or articles, or watch millions of hours on YouTube videos. But it will only get you so far. And they all generally tend to at least recommend one thing, by the way: “Just start”.

Anyway, this is my first article. It’s special to me, but beyond that it isn’t meant to be extraordinary. It’s meant to be what it is, just a start. I hope that I will be able to write many more after this. I currently expect to stay relatively unknown. But if I do end up gaining a following, I hope this article will find those who need it most. Aspiring new writers, like my contemporary self, who will come to my page and see that this was my first article.

That this article isn’t really all that special. That it probably isn’t even all that good. That it certainly is not perfect — there could even be plenty of grammar and style mistakes for all I know — but that’s okay. Oh, and that I really struggled with this — I truly have.

But also, that it doesn’t really matter. That it’s okay and that it’s part of the journey. That we all have to start somewhere. And that we can all become better, through practice.

If by chance I end up as a successful online writer, this will be for future reference. To all the aspiring writers out there, I started out like this. I took a step and it took me somewhere. Give it a shot, start writing!

This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2

