Quiet Epiphany Comics Presents a Tale of Unknowable Ironies

Patrick M
4 min readJun 28, 2018


That title is a Chris Ware ripoff, let’s just acknowledge it now, here, together.

My sister knows I only actually do things if I have a deadline, and so last Christmas she gave me a blank sketchbook that I had to draw in and mail to the Brooklyn Art Library (?) as part of their Sketchbook Library Project (??); basically a 32 page sketchbook I had to fill up and mail by the end of March, at which point it was to be scanned in and put ON THE INTERNET but also available to be checked out like a library book? Very confusing.

But her terrible plan worked, I guess, because I did it. Back when we all still mailed things to each other, back when there was still a Republic, I would sometimes draw this mouse and this guy on the backs of envelopes having a conversation, so that’s mostly what I did in this.

Take that, Elizabeth Gilbert.

Anyway: I mailed it in three months or so ago, and today got the message that it had been scanned in, along with a note that said there is “a natural gutter gap between each page of the book” (basically, the way they scanned it, anything in the middle of a page spread would get cut off). If you are anything like me, you just said, “Oh no!” out loud because when have you ever taken into consideration the natural gutter gap? Only twice? Possibly never??

So, here is the link to the book on the Sketchbook Project site, where everything is scanned in very nicely from like a white balance standpoint but some of the drawings and words are cut off, and below are pictures of the book I took with my phone right before I mailed it, because it seemed weird to invest energy into something and then never see it again, so things are mostly Not Cut Off but it’s also not that pretty. CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER.

(Really, I’m just including the link to the site because it is an interesting project and there are lots of fun sketchbooks in there that you can look through.)

In conclusion, it was nice to focus on something for a while and get it done. Pictures below! Bye!

