Able Chuks
7 min readJan 23, 2020


There is a saying “change is constant”. This is one of the ways things are meant to be, but however, where most platforms, projects, systems and industries tend to flow with change hence improving to serve users well others at the same time tends to stick to their earlier way of operations thus losing out on the long run. The reason for this brief description of change is to make us understand the reason why humans or people must flow with what the world offers be it in technology or otherwise. In view of this, in the world today we have blockchain technology which has proven over time to be the next big thing.

Ever since it’s inception, blockchain technology has been growing tremendously wherein it is adopted either to existing platforms etc or built to represent what a platform believes in. Also, there have been cases where various platforms needs to be improved thus blockchain being Implemented and one of such is in the case of online security and privacy. Online security and privacy are gaining interests today owing to the fact many people are becoming aware of what the internet holds, thus the reason a team of experts believes that the other ways or traditional systems being depended on to ensure there is security of users data, in fact, can be improved with the aid of blockchain. This idea lead to the creation of a project known as Tachyon Protocol.

Just like other projects be it in the blockchain space or otherwise, investors or users will also ask the question, why do we need this project? In a nutshell, Tachyon Protocol aims to ensure there is online security and privacy.

Then comes the next question, aren’t the current existing platforms or services capable of doing what Tachyon aims to do? The simple answer is NO.
This is because;
1. The existing services have failed to ensure optimum cybersecurity owing to the fact it is based on a centralized system thus being prone to manipulation by external bodies. Also, as a result of this centralized nature, data breaches can’t be avoided in the same way the network structure is also prone to cyber-attacks even during operation.
2. The basis of the modern Internet known as the TCP/IP Model is gradually going out of fashion hence the reason top corporation are working tooth and nail to ensure they improve on their services. The bone of contention is that TCP/IP is showing signs of security vulnerabilities while lacking transmission efficiency.

These issues and many more are quite enough to show that Tachyon Protocol will be solving a huge problem hence its great significance in the world of online security etc.


I believe the first question on the minds of all is; what really is the Tachyon Protocol? Tachyon Protocol is a blockchain platform or network stack; by being a blockchain network means all services are decentralized, where decentralization and encryption are combined to give a new face to the basis of the internet i.e the TCP/IP model. In addition, in order to succeed in the transformation of the TCP/IP model or stack, Tachyon Protocol leverages the following;
a. Decentralized structure,
b. End-to-end encryption,
c. Traffic concealing,
d. Multi-path routing,
e. Multi-relaying scheme.

Another point worth knowing about Tachyon Protocol is that, it is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and open-source network where a sort of operation is formed via the services provided by each node.

Furthermore, unlike other blockchain platforms leveraging existing blockchain networks like Ethereum etc, Tachyon Protocol is based on the V SYSTEMS blockchain which has already existing and efficient cutting edge technologies used to ensure there is optimum performance be it from the nodes, design, applications etc.


There are several factors, reasons, features and functions which makes Tachyon Protocol worthy of users attention.

1. One of the main reason to get involved with Tachyon Protocol is that where centralized VPN services are faced with lack of adequate expertise features to ensure online security and privacy, Tachyon Protocol tends to offer all and more; as a result, Tachyon Protocol will offer a VPN service which will be cost-effective, based on blockchain and coupled with cutting edge cybersecurity features to ensure users privacy is protected.

2. Tachyon has a feature known as TBU (Tachyon Booster UDP) which is built based on DHT, blockchain and UDP, therefore, changing the status quo of TCP/IP protocol. This feature is also responsible for approximately 200%~1000% transmission acceleration in a centralized network.

3. Another feature within the Tachyon network is the TSP (Tachyon Security Protocol) which is responsible for the security of the encryption and traffic of the platform wherein it is used to protect the connection against relay nodes.

4. Tachyon Protocol has decentralized storage thus offering more protection where contents in storage and transmission are encrypted which further leads to accelerated transmission efficiency.

5. The TAA (Tachyon Anti-Analysis) feature in Tachyon Protocol is used to bypass traffic monitoring, that is to say, there will be extreme difficulty in intercepting the entire communication of the network.

6. Tachyon Protocol also offers a Software Development Kit (SDK) which is a high-quality standardized API with the ability to be customized to ensure swift integration and deployment as the case may be.

7. As earlier mentioned, Tachyon network uses a TBU feature; with the aid of this feature, the Tachyon Content Distribution Network (CDN) synchronization speed will be higher than any centralized CDN’s sync speed in existence.

8. A study has shown that Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining momentum with each passing day, and to ensure the platform doesn’t miss out, Tachyon Protocol can be used as the IoT communication protocol, in this case, providing more security and faster information transmission service.

9. One of the things or features of a progressive platform is its community members, that is, their activeness within the community. In the case of Tachyon Protocol, it has many community members who are always ready to suggest new ideas as well as participating in their own various ways to promote the platform. This ranges from Telegram to Kakao to Twitter to Reddit etc.

10. The last but not the least reason to get involved with Tachyon Protocol is the type of team within the platform. Tachyon Protocol team is a global team, with its base in the British Virgin Islands while most of its members work from Hong Kong.
Tachyon team are experts in blockchain-related matters such as in the development of Proof-of-Stake Consensus, decentralized systems etc. They are also entrepreneurs, founders and CEO of various platforms.
Thus, one can’t be mistaken for saying that the Tachyon platform will last long term.


Tachyon Protocol is what the world needs and as such, user data privacy and leaks won’t be an issue anymore, in the same way, free access to social media, streaming etc isn’t limited even on restricted WiFi.

The token of the Tachyon Protocol is known as IPX token, it is a utility token with a total supply of 1,000,000,000 (one billion). Being based on V SYSTEMS blockchain, IPX token serves a whole lot in the Tachyon ecosystem such as being used as a medium of exchange between users on Tachyon Protocol. Other uses are in identity verification for the operations of the network.

Tachyon Protocol has an already developed mobile applications used for many purposes such as in the storage of its platform tokens.
The wallet can be accessed via the link: https://tachyon.eco/?n=yr8mtzfwee.WalletPage

Other already developed products include:
a. Tachyon VPN: https://tachyon.eco/?n=yr8mtzfwee.Download
b. Tachyon Network: https://tachyon.eco/?n=yr8mtzfwee.Network

Tachyon Protocol is already developed with constant improvement going on a daily basis. The token is already listed on cryptocurrency exchange; https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/tachyon-protocol


Telegram Group: https://t.me/tachyoneco

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/tachyonprotocol

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tachyon_eco

Medium: https://medium.com/tachyon-protocol

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tachyon-protocol

KaKao: https://open.kakao.com/o/gRTetMzb

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TachyonIPX/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvrANAq2HBYEPSL5nnsYQPg/

GitHub: https://github.com/tachyon-protocol

Website: https://tachyon.eco/

Whitepaper: https://tachyon.eco/TachyonWhitePaper.pdf

Author: Chuky92

Author’s Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2084586

