Able Chuks
4 min readSep 9, 2019


The world is not a bed of roses and all that glitters isn’t good at all, these pieces of words of wisdom are indeed very real in life and manifest in every human race, events of the world and in various human endeavours. The good, bad and ugly abound in every activity carried out by humans, no particular activity of the world is immune to the good, bad and ugly situations of life. There is no gain in trying to make comparisons as regards the quantity of the good and the bad events or activities or things of the world, rather the major take away from here, is trying to be able to identify and draw a visible line between the two of them in order to take actions that won’t serve as a source of regret later in future.

The blockchain and cryptocurrency is like a “world” of its own with many terms and terminologies (although confusing to many people) to grapple with and it’s continually attracting more interests from groups and individual investors/traders since its date of inception till now.
Many companies are moving their operations unto the blockchain and cryptocurrency platform thereby creating opportunities for new cryptocurrency development and also opportunities for investors to key into blockchain asset investment. Unfortunately, the bad eggs — scammers with fake/weak blockchain-based projects have infiltrated the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. These scammers front cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects that have low result yielding potentials and present these low potential blockchain projects to investors and traders as projects with high prospects. They will always try to convince traders/investors especially those new to blockchain tech, to key in and invest their resources in their blockchain project through ICO and after collecting financial resources from their unsuspecting clients /customers, the project collapses or vanishes into thin air, what a sad end!!


The experience they say remains the best teacher, and the issue of experience cannot be dismissed with a wave of the hand in any transaction or activity one embarks upon in his lifetime.
Taklimakan Network is a blockchain information dissemination platform that is poised to connect experienced blockchain professionals, investors and traders to the amateur blockchain enthusiasts in order to feed these blockchain new lads with their (professional investors/traders) experiences within the course of their long term participation in blockchain project investments and cryptocurrency which in turn will help to guide these new blockchain comers in their decision-making process while trying to invest in any blockchain project or service.

The Taklimakan Network is concerned with equipping newcomers/investors of blockchain projects with the required information needed in choosing the right or appropriate blockchain project to participate in. The Taklimakan Network aims to ensure that blockchain investors especially the amateur folks rightly put their “money where their mouth is”, by providing them with tips and guidelines in selecting scam-free blockchain projects to invest in and rightly get their return on investment at the end of the day.
To this end, Taklimakan provides a window on its platform where experienced blockchain and crypto professionals called analysts carry out market performance investigation and research on blockchain projects’ ICOs and cryptocurrencies.

The outcome of the investigation and research would be made available on the Taklimakan platform to crypto traders and investors in the form of a report. The report will now rightly guide crypto traders and investors in the course of their crypto investment and trading voyage with the companies floating the blockchain projects and cryptocurrencies. Therefore, the Taklimakan platform is helping inexperienced and new crypto investors/traders to avoid being victims of low-quality blockchain projects which won’t yield any benefit at the end of the day and which is equally floated by unscrupulous scammers who are out there to fleece unsuspecting crypto enthusiasts of their hard-earned resources without delivering the services expected from them!!


Taklimakan token, TAN is an ERC-20 based token of the Taklimakan platform used to reward analysts on the Taklimakan platform who provide their research and study services on the feasibility of blockchain projects and cryptocurrency to crypto traders/investors on the platform.
Taklimakan is an already developed platform still under constant improvement for the betterment of all.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/taklimakan_net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taklimakannetwork/

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2426759.0

Telegram: https://t.me/taklimakan_en

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/taklimakan-network/

Medium: https://medium.com/@taklimakan

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/taklimakan

Taklimakan Profile: https://taklimakan.network/u/Chuky92

Website: https://taklimakan.network/

Author: Chuky92

Author’s Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2084586

