QLC — An easy Overview of an unknown Gem

4 min readMar 2, 2019


The Mission

The Mission of the QLC Chain is basically to become the leading network infrastructure in the world by creating a decentralized Network-as-a-Service (N-a-a-S) platform.

I guess that most readers will now think something like “Yeah.. well, ok… What?”

That was at least my first thought when I was confronted with this phrase.
In the end, it isn´t that hard to understand.

Nowadays every company has it´s own networks, in small as in big. Some are to process payments, others are used for accounting or simple information transfer. Network as a Service means that businesses can rent digital network infrastructures and services from third parties, which are specialized in network solutions. This leads to more efficient use of resources, e.g. the customer can care for his core business while specialists create the needed network solution. Who wants to read more about N-a-a-S can read the opinion of Cisco Systems about it.

So far to what Network as a Service means. Let´s check the details.

A Trader´s first Glimpse

The QLC token is currently a NEP5 token. That means it is based on the NEO Blockchain. Due to their partnership with Binance, QLink has the advantage to already be listed on Binance. There will be a token swap after the QLC Mainnet is live.

However, as you can see in the following hardpoints, it is still totally unknown.

Circulating Supply: 240 Million Tokens
Total Supply: 600 Million Tokens
Market Capitalization: currently ~ 6 Million $
CMC Rank: currently 310

“Do I have your attention, now? Ok, let´s go on.”

WinQ — The QLC DApp

The WinQ decentralized app has several features.
First and for most, it is a Wallet to hold your digital assets, but it can do far more. It can earn you blanc money.

The app enables users to buy or sell VPN Bandwidth or to turn your app and router into a VPN router. Other users within the QLC network can buy bandwidth over your offered VPN or your offered WiFi from you. You will be paid in QLC.

This means that QLC enables everyone to use high-quality VPN and WiFi or to share them.

Additionally to the app, QLC also has developed its own hardware. A Blockchain based router called PPR, which means Pretty Private Router. This router can be linked to the app and become registered on the blockchain as for example a VPN asset. Others now can buy VPN bandwidth from the router owner.

Long Term Potential

All the transactions happening, have to become maintained. This is where staking becomes interesting.

The QLC will be built with a dual consensus system, which means a combination of DPoS and the Shannon Consensus, developed by QLC. The advantage compared to traditional DPoS systems is that this system will provide a higher level of fairness in regards to voting. This basically means that not only very big bags but also medium and small stakes have a fair chance to mine transactions.

Adoption, live Business and Scalability

The sharing system already sounds awesome and screams for worldwide adoption. However, the key to growing big is the industry. In regards to QLC the first business system which will run on the Mainnet is the SMS Payment System. This doesn´t mean greeting SMS to your grandma. The big deal here is to send transactions via SMS, which is a very strong growing part in the mobile communication industry. In fact, the global SMS market was at 44 billion $ in the year 2017. A growth of more than 4 % annually is expected to at least 60 Billion in the year 2025. But how to get shares of this enormous market?

Live Business
As part of their road to success, QLC has managed to sign a partnership with Montnets.

“What is that?”

The Montnets Group is the leading cloud communication service provider of China. Montnets customers are names like Alibaba, Tencent, The Bank of China and many more. Due to the partnership with Montnets, those will indirectly be the customers of QLC, while QLink will handle the 2 Billion transactions of Montnets. This heavy business will go live together with the main net.

QLink has made a very huge step forward to market adoption of their project. The main net can handle more. According to the latest Bi-Weekly Report of the QLink team, the main net will be capable of at least 55 more business of the size of Montnets.

Last but not least — The Mainnet Release
The team has announced that the QLC Mainnet will go live until March 31st. and together with the main net, also the SMS billing system for the Montnets group will go live.

An announcement of the exact date is currently awaited.

My 2 Cents

I personally look forward to details about staking possibilities and I guess that the next weeks will be pretty awesome for QLC, while the current market cap of roughly 6 million is screaming for “multiply me”. There is much more to read and to know about QLC, but as said, it´s an easy Overview, based on private research.

I don´t claim to be right on every point, so I encourage you to not take my words as proven or truth but to do your own research.

For deeper information feel free to read the linked sites, to read the yellow paper on GitHub or to use google.

Best regards

*No financial Advice

