The Hero’s Hold #1 — Nov. 15, 2021

6 min readNov 16, 2021


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to the Hero’s Hold! In this series, we’ll track the summoning of new heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with news, statistics, metrics, and more!

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

This series is indebted to the great Samichpunch, whose DFK Whale Watch reports are an inspiration to us all! Make sure to follow him if you aren’t already.

And with that, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

This week, as the summoning frenzy continued, we saw multiple milestone events for the heroes of DeFi Kingdoms:


After over 20 attempts, the elusive DreadKnight has finally made its way through the Summoning Portal! Congratulations to Cocomelon on this huge first!

The first DreadKnight — Hero #22113 (Cocomelon)

However, Philinna Moonspire is not alone! Since then, eight more DreadKnights have emerged from the Inner Grove, including the Rare Gedil Tuskblossom (#22807) and Viola Boneflow (#27882). Welcome heroes!

Over 30,000 Heroes Summoned

Another huge milestone for hero summoning, this past week saw the Kingdom’s hero population reach 30,000! Drenniros Netherhide (#30000) has the honor of holding this newest round Hero ID, summoned by Lalo.

Milestone Hero #30000 (Lalo)

Gen1/Gen2 Flippening

Last night, we also saw the number of Gen2 heroes finally overtake Gen1s with an equilibrium of around 9,150 of each. This trend should continue as Gen0s reach maximum cooldowns for summoning, and more Gen1s start to reach their own summoning limits.

Sale of the Week

Congratulations to Nioky on the sale of this Mythic Gen0 Knight for 25,000 JEWEL on Nov. 10 — worth about $90k at the time, and quite a bit more since then! No doubt Rorith Screerugon will be in good hands with buyer GeoWhiz!

Sale of the Week for 25,000 JEWEL (#1288)

The Summoner’s Circle

Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far! The snapshot for this data was taken on 11/15 at 8am ET.

Total Heroes: 31,647

Hero Growth

Ever since the Wishing Well was launched early in the morning on November 4, hero summoning has kicked into high gear! While only ~8,000 heroes were summoned during the whole month of October after the Portal opened on Oct. 6, the past two weeks have seen hero numbers triple!

Hero summoning has kicked into high gear!

While we can see that the daily number of new summons has remained fairly level over the past two weeks, averaging around 2,000 per day, that still means the the overall hero count is growing fast!

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Nov. 2: 10,431 ( — / — )
• Nov. 8: 18,655 (8,292 / 80.0%)
• Nov. 15: 31,837 (13,182 / 70.7%)

Hero Stat Breakdowns

By Generation
As noted above, Gen2s are now outpacing Gen1s, and Gen3 is quickly catching up. Heroes beyond Gen6 remain very rare however, with only a handful summoned in the last few generations.

• Gen 0: 2,090 (6.6%)
• Gen1: 9,364 (29.4%)
• Gen2: 9,527 (29.9%)
• Gen3: 6,378 (20.0%)
• Gen4: 3,041 (9.5%)
• Gen5: 1,063 (3.3%)
• Gen6: 285 (0.89%)
• Gen7+: 99 (0.31%)

By Rarity
Rarity is breaking down as expected, although there is still some very slight skewing from the Gen0s that only came in Rare, Legendary, and Mythic rarities.

• Common: 15,209 (47.8%)
• Uncommon: 8,733 (27.4%)
• Rare: 5,924 (18.6%)
• Legendary: 1,466 (4.6%)
• Mythic: 515 (1.6%)

By Class
And hero breakdown by class looks exactly as expected, with distributions almost equal within each tier. However, the number of Advanced+ heroes is starting to grow — reaching close to 13%!

• Basic: 27,811 (87.4%)
• Advanced: 3,763 (11.8%)
• Elite: 254 (0.8%)
• Exalted: 9 (0.03%)

The Adventurer’s Guild

Just as hero numbers have increased, so has user adoption! In this section, we can track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 5,493*

* There is a small hole in the API graph data that prevents viewing the owners for 20 heroes, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Once hero summoning began to increase with the release of the Wishing Well, hero prices dropped drastically, leading to a significant increase in the number of wallets (and consequently players) that own at least one hero!

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
Nov. 1: 2,223 ( — / — )
Nov. 7: 3,216 (993 / 44.7%) — Note: this snapshot was taken a day early
Nov. 15: 5,493 (2277 / 70.8%)

Hero Wallet Stats

If we take a deeper look at all of those wallets, we can start to get a sense of the distribution of heroes across all accounts. Are most heroes held by a few top whales, or does everybody really have a chance to own one now?

What we find is that average number of heroes held per wallet is 5.79, while the median wallet holds 3 heroes! So yes, while top wallets certainly push the average upward, the median is not inaccessible at all to most players.

A few key metrics for hero distribution

And while the top 50 wallets (around the top 1%), do hold 12.8% of all heroes, that share has actually decreased by 13.1% in the past week. Similarly, 32.7% of wallets hold only one hero, a share that has grown by 3.9% in the past week.

As Samichpunch has noted with wallets holding xJEWEL, it’s clear that more smaller players are joining the game, and experimenting with a hero or two — especially now that prices have dropped. That’s bullish news to me!

Whale Watch

And of course, what DFK report wouldn’t be complete without a Whale Watch? So, who are those top hero-holding wallets anyway?

Account Name / Hero Count

  1. Veilvi / 352
  2. BiGsy / 209
  3. dirtydan / 146
  4. Le Ogre / 124
  5. Pikul / 120
  6. holmes / 118
  7. eden / 111
  8. Eric / 108
  9. DarkSaga / 101
  10. Wouter / 100

Coincidentally, this list coincides exactly with the number of accounts holding at least 100 heroes. Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of the Hero’s Hold.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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