Someone paid 450,000 to become Snoop Dogg’s virtual neighbor

Dec 4, 2021


A user named P-Ape in the Ethereum-based metaverse, Sandbox acquired one of three parcels of land that were being offered as part of the SnoopVerse LAND sale on the platform. So secure yourself a spot next to Snoop’s property in the Sandbox.

P-Ape spent exactly 70,903,8222 SAND (Game Control Token), which at the time of purchase was just over $ 458,000 to own the token. Snoop Dogg reacted to the sale on Twitter by saying, “Will you be my neighbor?” In partnership with staring eyes emoji. In addition, he recently tweeted on the topic, “This is a good deal.”

However, if Snoop music fans want to take part in the SnoopVerse Sandbox campaign, they don’t have to spend six figures. Other NFTs, including avatars and party passes, can be found, along with more information, here.

