“Hotwife And/Or Cuckold”

Sean Geist helps us learn what to call ourselves

Madame Roosevelt
2 min readJun 15, 2022

If I’ve given you the idea that Teddy and myself had any idea what we’re doing, I apologize for the falsehood. We talk everything to death, but as introverts, we rarely make the sort of friends that can guide us through these adult decisions.

Other than hookers, we’re incredibly inexperienced with consensual nonmonogamy.

Hookers make it all so straight-foward.

Sean Geist helped us learn the lingo — today, in fact.

I asked my precious Dear Husband, Teddy, how he felt about my sex work — talking and camming — on the ol’ internets.

His carefully considered opinion was that he was neutral towards the work in general, but that the work seemed to rev up my sex drive — and that, in turn, got him laid more often. I’ve mentioned before that even wearing a thong gets me focused on dirty thoughts, but knowing that the world expects dirty thoughts and dirty pics?

Lord have mercy, my panties are soaked 24/7. This is 100% benefit to Mr. Teddy.

Currently, Mr. Roosevelt is my only sex partner, although we’re always looking to make new friends. That means he gets jumped practically the moment he walks in the door.

(I let him remove the work shirt — the pants, he can lint-roll. I can only be so patient when I want to cum on the ol’ dick.)

After a bit of careful consideration, when I’m sure he mentally scrolled through his Reddit interests and the sexiest things he’d seen, he gazed at me.

“Did you know,” he began…

I’m purely trying to build tension, here. Plus, I dig the hat, the tat’, the whole aesthetic. Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

“Did you know some men get off on their wife being boned by another dude?”

“I Think It’s Called Hotwife or Something?”

“Or cuckold,” I added. “I saw it on Medium. Plenty of men like watching their wives get boned.”


“Or even hearing about it…”


Universes have been born and died within those ellipses.


More to cum… I hope, desperately…

And lord’a’mercy, I promise to tell you all about it.



Madame Roosevelt

Hi, y’all. I’m a married lady with an active sexual imagination. I’m a teacher, though, so I’m hiding my identity. Let’s talk about all sorts of dirty stuff.