Interview with the Community Manager of Wysker

Samuel Mills
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


This week I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to make a short interview with the Community Manager of Wysker, Mr. Jonathan Hellweg.

First of all, how did you first hear about the Wysker ICO?

I heard of wysker the first time through a friend’s sister who read the FAZ, a German
newspaper. Upon looking it up, I immediately recognised Wysker will be a game changer.

A lot of people would love the be in your shoes and do what you do for Wysker. What does it feel like working for a company who is trying to innovative the whole experience shopping from a smartphone?

It’s awesome to be involved in something that will set a new standard on how shopping is

conducted, while keeping your data private. It’s fun to be engaged with the community and be part of it. I really enjoy this task, mostly due to the amazing community that gathered around
Wysker. I have rarely witnessed such a positive vibe in any community.

As a Community Manager you certainly experiences many different kind of situations every day. What has been your main challenges as a Community Manager?

A great community like ours is no challenge at all to handle. The hardest challenge for me is

to restrain myself from participating in any price discussion. For legal reasons I can’t partake in
that, although I have a very strong opinion on what’s to come for wystoken!

Besides from Wysker, what do you like do to when you have some spare time?

I enjoy sports, being social and dedicate most of my free time to the Crypto universe. Exciting times

to be alive!

The Wysker Android app has been live for almost four weeks now, and we all heard you saved up some money to use in the app. What kind of items did you buy? And how is your experience with the app?

As mentioned earlier the whole concept gripped me right from the start. Data protection is very

important to me and I love how Wysker achieved bridging shopping and protection of personal

information. What I love most about is that it actually delivers a true discovery experience. It’s running perfectly smooth on all devices I used so far. I’ve found items I would have never
actively looked for. Did you know there’s Mona Lisa themed socks? I certainly didn’t!

Last question is a funny one. When Lambo?

Soon maybe!

