My thoughts about the Wysker shopping app

Samuel Mills
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


In this blog post I am letting you know my thoughts about the new Wysker app, which I have used for a couple of weeks now. I want to share how I feel about the app.

The Wysker app got released for Android devices on 31st January 2018, and it’s also being under review by Apple and will be released soon.

When you start the app for the first time you will get a walkthrough guide which teaches you how to use the Wysker app. When you get into the app you will also get your own wallet where your Wysker tokens are being stored. This tokens can be exchanged for discounts later when you want to by anything from the app.

You will see a stream of items when the app opens. You can start the discovery experience by using the joystick and drag it up to watch items in a faster speed, swipe right to go to the next stream, or swipe left to go to the last stream. Or just release the joystick and swipe through the items manually one by one. You can select to discover items from different categories, or filter by gender, or to see all products from all categories.

What I like most about the app is that I can discover so many different kinds of items in such a fast speed and in a very new way that I never have been able to do before, and it has shown me a lot of items I would never be able to search for on my own because there are so much there to discover. Currently it’s about 300 000 different items from around 500 different retailers, and the app notifies me everytime Wysker have added a new stream of items. Still there are some minor bugs in the app, but I still can enjoy the experience, and a lot of new features are coming up soon which is described in Google Play, such as new filtering options and better speed on slow Internet connections.

You can refer friends and earn Wysker tokens by pressing the joystick, and you will be able to send a link to download the app through SMS, Messenger, Telegram, Email and etc. So far I have earned about 7 Wysker tokens by discovering new items and referring friends. I’m not sure how much discount this is going to be exchanged into later, but I I’m sure it’s a very good start. And I’m stoked to see the development of the app and see how hyped it can be by the masses. My thoughts are that this can be very popular, so now we just have to wait and see. I will for sure spread the news about the app to all the people I know but certainly also to strangers I meet waiting in the line for the bus or similar.

Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope you enjoyed it.

