Executive Dysfunction! The Perils of Having Too Many Things to Do as a Neurodivergent Human.

Ms. Anomaly
3 min readAug 24, 2022

I’m going to start with the fact that this entire week I have been overstimulated. I had my last day at the security job I had gotten for the summer on Sunday. It really wasn’t for me. Honestly, I don’t think I can survive corporate life with neurotypicals… I’ve tried.

My kid has insisted on watching YouTube videos in my room with people that scream consistently. Then when I ask him to stop, he gives me the attitude of the preteen boy he is. Ugh… He is sensory seeking, and more often than not, I am sensory avoidant.

My kid begged to stay home with a sore throat on Monday, so he was extra clingy. It’s been rough. I’ve spent most of my time in other rooms, including his. Brightside, my son’s room is almost clean, and it was a huge mess. He is a neurodivergent pre-teen, so… I will leave it up to your imagination.

I need to donate a bunch of stuff, and clean out my storage unit because I literally don’t need the stuff and I can’t afford to keep paying for the units. I have 2 10x10s. I got them when I became homeless and I didn’t want to lose everything we owned. Then when I got an apartment and was ready to graduate with my associate’s degree, COVID19 hit and we were stuck at home and distance learning. I’ve been trying to empty them and…



Ms. Anomaly

Audhd chaos gremlin. Mother. Content Creator. Author. Poet. Artist. Singer.