Common Website Hacking Methods: Understanding the Threats


Alp M.
20 min readMay 31, 2023

In today’s interconnected world, websites play a crucial role in our daily lives. From e-commerce platforms to social media networks and banking websites, they have become the backbone of our digital experiences. However, with the increasing reliance on websites, the risk of hacking and cyber-attacks has also escalated. Understanding common website hacking methods is essential for individuals, businesses, and website administrators to protect themselves and their valuable information from malicious actors.

The internet provides a vast playground for hackers, who continually seek vulnerabilities and loopholes to exploit. By gaining unauthorized access to websites, hackers can steal sensitive data, deface websites, distribute malware, and even use compromised websites as launchpads for larger attacks. This article aims to shed light on some of the most common website hacking methods, providing insights into the threats that exist and the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.

1 — Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS is a prevalent and potentially dangerous hacking method that takes advantage of vulnerabilities in a website’s code. In an XSS attack, malicious scripts are injected into web pages, and when unsuspecting users visit those pages, the scripts execute on their browsers. This allows attackers to manipulate the website’s content, steal sensitive information, or perform unauthorized actions on behalf of the user.

There are different forms of XSS attacks, each with its characteristics and risks:

  1. Stored XSS: In this type of attack, the malicious script is permanently stored on the target website’s server. When a user accesses a compromised page, the script is served to their browser, leading to the execution of the malicious code. For example, imagine an online forum where users can post comments. If a hacker injects a malicious script into a comment, every user who views that page will be vulnerable to the attack.
  2. Reflected XSS: In a reflected XSS attack, the malicious script is embedded in a URL or a form input field. When the user interacts with the compromised URL or submits the form, the script is reflected from the server and executed in their browser. For instance, an attacker might send a phishing email containing a link that includes the malicious script. If the user clicks on the link and the website doesn’t have adequate input validation and output encoding, the script can be executed, compromising the user’s information.
  3. DOM-based XSS: This type of XSS attack exploits vulnerabilities in the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page. The attack targets the client-side code and manipulates the dynamic interactions between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By injecting malicious scripts that interact with the DOM, attackers can modify the page’s structure, behavior, or content. For example, an attacker could modify a JavaScript function that retrieves user data, enabling them to steal sensitive information.

Mitigating XSS vulnerabilities requires implementing proper input validation and output encoding techniques. Here are some preventive measures that website administrators should consider:

  • Implement strict input validation: Validate and sanitize all user inputs to ensure they conform to expected formats and don’t contain malicious code.
  • Use output encoding: Encode user-generated content to prevent the browser from interpreting it as executable code. This can be achieved by applying output encoding functions or using security libraries and frameworks.
  • Set secure HTTP headers: Utilize security headers, such as Content Security Policy (CSP), to restrict the execution of untrusted scripts and mitigate the impact of XSS attacks.
  • Regularly update and patch software: Keep all website software, including content management systems, plugins, and libraries, up to date to prevent known vulnerabilities from being exploited.

To illustrate the severity of XSS attacks, consider the case of the “Samy worm” that spread on MySpace in 2005. Samy Kamkar, a security researcher, injected a malicious script into his MySpace profile, causing it to replicate itself and add him as a friend on other users’ profiles. Within hours, over one million users were affected by the worm. This incident demonstrates the potential impact of XSS attacks and the importance of robust security measures.

In conclusion, XSS attacks pose a significant threat to website security, potentially exposing users to various risks. By implementing proper input validation, and output encoding, and staying vigilant about software updates, website administrators can greatly reduce the chances of XSS vulnerabilities and protect their users’ sensitive information.

2 — SQL Injection

SQL Injection is a highly damaging hacking technique that exploits vulnerabilities in a website’s database layer. It occurs when an attacker injects malicious SQL queries into user input fields, tricking the website into executing unintended database commands. By leveraging SQL Injection, hackers can manipulate database operations and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Let’s consider a few examples to illustrate the severity and potential consequences of SQL Injection attacks:

  1. Unauthorized Access: Imagine a website that uses a login form with user credentials stored in a database. If the website is susceptible to SQL Injection, an attacker can manipulate the login form input to bypass the authentication mechanism. By inputting specially crafted SQL queries, they can trick the website into granting them access to user accounts without requiring valid credentials. This can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive user data, such as personal information, email addresses, or even hashed passwords.
  2. Data Breach: Many websites collect and store vast amounts of user data, including personally identifiable information (PII) or financial details. In a SQL Injection attack, an attacker can exploit vulnerabilities to extract or modify this sensitive data. For instance, they might inject SQL queries that retrieve entire databases, allowing them to gather information from multiple users in a single attack. This stolen data can be sold on the dark web or used for identity theft, financial fraud, or other malicious activities.
  3. Website Defacement: In some cases, SQL Injection attacks can go beyond data extraction and modification. Attackers can inject SQL queries to modify the website’s content or deface it entirely. For example, they might alter product descriptions, replace images with inappropriate content, or insert malicious links that redirect users to harmful websites. Such attacks can damage a website’s reputation, result in financial losses, and undermine the trust of users and customers.

To mitigate the risks associated with SQL Injection, website administrators should adopt secure coding practices and follow these preventive measures:

  • Parameterized Queries or Prepared Statements: Utilize parameterized queries or prepared statements instead of concatenating user inputs directly into SQL queries. This practice ensures that user inputs are treated as data rather than executable code, effectively preventing SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
  • Input Validation and Sanitization: Implement robust input validation and sanitization techniques to filter out potentially malicious characters or SQL statements from user inputs. Use validation libraries and frameworks to validate user data against expected formats and ranges.
  • Principle of Least Privilege: Apply the principle of least privilege by creating database accounts with limited privileges. Restrict access rights to ensure that each user or application can only access the necessary data and perform required operations.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and patch any potential SQL Injection vulnerabilities. Stay informed about the latest security updates and patches for the database management system and related software.

By incorporating these measures into their development practices, website administrators can significantly reduce the risk of SQL Injection attacks and safeguard their databases and user information from unauthorized access and manipulation.

In conclusion, SQL Injection attacks pose a severe threat to websites that rely on databases to store and manage sensitive data. By implementing secure coding practices, employing parameterized queries, and conducting regular security audits, website administrators can fortify their defenses against SQL Injection vulnerabilities and protect the integrity and confidentiality of their data.

3 — Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

CSRF is a dangerous attack method that exploits the trust between a user’s browser and a trusted website. In a CSRF attack, an attacker tricks a user into unknowingly executing unintended actions on the targeted website while the user is authenticated. By leveraging the user’s active session, the attacker can make unauthorized requests that appear legitimate, leading to potentially harmful consequences.

To provide a clearer understanding of CSRF attacks, let’s explore some examples:

  1. Unauthorized Fund Transfer: Imagine a user is logged into their online banking account and simultaneously visits a malicious website. This website contains a hidden code that automatically triggers a fund transfer request from the user’s bank account to the attacker’s account. Because the user is authenticated in their banking session, the request is considered valid, and the funds are transferred without their knowledge or consent.
  2. Account Modification: In another scenario, a user might be logged into their social media account and visits a malicious website that hosts hidden code. This code could automatically modify the user’s account settings, such as changing their password, email address, or privacy settings. As the user’s session is active and authenticated, the website treats these requests as legitimate and applies the modifications, potentially compromising the user’s account.
  3. Unauthorized Actions: A common example of unauthorized actions involves an attacker exploiting a user’s session on an e-commerce website. Suppose the user is browsing a legitimate online store and simultaneously clicks on a malicious link. The link triggers a request to the online store, initiating a purchase, or adding items to the user’s cart without their knowledge. The user unwittingly completes the transaction, assuming it to be a regular interaction with the trusted website.

Mitigating CSRF attacks requires implementing appropriate security measures:

  • Anti-CSRF Tokens: Websites can generate and attach unique tokens to each user session or form submission. These tokens are then validated with subsequent requests to ensure they originated from the same website. By including anti-CSRF tokens in requests, websites can block unauthorized requests generated by attackers.
  • Same-Site Cookie Attribute: Configuring the same-site cookie attribute helps prevent cross-site requests. This attribute restricts cookies to be sent only to the same origin (the domain that set the cookie) and prevents them from being included in cross-site requests initiated by malicious websites.
  • Request Validation: Implement server-side validation to ensure that requests originate from trusted sources. Verify that the request’s origin matches the expected domain and validate any incoming data to prevent unauthorized actions.

Let’s consider a scenario where a banking website implements anti-CSRF measures to protect its users. Whenever a user initiates a transaction, the website generates a unique anti-CSRF token and includes it in the request. The token is associated with the user’s session and verified with subsequent requests. If an attacker tries to forge a request without the correct token, the server detects the inconsistency and blocks the unauthorized transaction.

In conclusion, CSRF attacks exploit the trust between users and trusted websites, leading to unintended and potentially harmful actions. By implementing anti-CSRF tokens, utilizing same-site cookie attributes, and validating requests on the server side, website administrators can significantly reduce the risk of CSRF attacks. Protecting users from CSRF vulnerabilities is crucial for maintaining the integrity of their accounts and safeguarding against unauthorized actions.

4 — Brute force attacks

Brute force attacks are a common method used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to websites or online accounts. In a brute force attack, an attacker systematically tries all possible combinations of usernames and passwords until the correct credentials are discovered. By using automated tools that can rapidly attempt numerous combinations, attackers exploit weak or commonly used passwords to break into targeted accounts.

To illustrate the severity and potential consequences of brute force attacks, let’s consider a few examples:

  1. User Account Compromise: Imagine a scenario where an attacker targets a popular e-commerce website. They deploy a brute force attack against user accounts, attempting various combinations of usernames and passwords. If a user has a weak or easily guessable password, the attacker may successfully gain access to their account. Once inside, the attacker can carry out malicious activities such as making unauthorized purchases, stealing personal information, or tampering with account settings.
  2. Administrator Account Takeover: In this case, the attacker specifically targets the administrator account of a website or content management system. By repeatedly trying different username and password combinations, they aim to discover the credentials that grant them administrative privileges. If successful, the attacker gains complete control over the website, allowing them to deface the site, inject malicious code, or access sensitive data.
  3. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Attacks: Brute force attacks are not limited to websites and online accounts. They can also be targeted at remote desktop services. For instance, an attacker may attempt to gain access to a company’s remote desktop server by trying various combinations of usernames and passwords. If they find a weak or commonly used password, they can successfully log in to the server and potentially compromise the entire network.

To mitigate the risks associated with brute force attacks, website administrators should consider implementing the following preventive measures:

  • Account Lockout Mechanisms: Implement account lockout policies that temporarily or permanently lock user accounts after a certain number of failed login attempts. This prevents attackers from continuously attempting different combinations and slows down the brute force attack process.
  • Strong Password Policies: Enforce strong password requirements, such as minimum length, complexity (including a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters), and regular password expiration. Educate users about the importance of creating unique and robust passwords.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA as an additional layer of security. This requires users to provide an extra verification factor, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their username and password.
  • Rate Limiting: Implement rate-limiting mechanisms that restrict the number of login attempts within a specific period, effectively slowing down brute-force attacks and making them less feasible.

For example, a website with a robust defense against brute force attacks might enforce a strong password policy, lock user accounts after five failed login attempts, and require users to verify their identity through a mobile app as part of the MFA process. These measures significantly increase the security of user accounts and make it more challenging for attackers to gain unauthorized access.

In conclusion, brute force attacks pose a significant threat to the security of websites and online accounts. By implementing account lockout mechanisms, enforcing strong password policies, incorporating multi-factor authentication, and utilizing rate limiting, website administrators can effectively protect against brute force attacks and safeguard user accounts from unauthorized access.

5 — Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDOS attacks are malicious attempts to render a website or online service unavailable by overwhelming its servers with an enormous volume of traffic. In a DDoS attack, multiple compromised devices, often forming a botnet, are coordinated to flood the targeted website with an excessive amount of requests, thereby exhausting server resources and causing service disruptions.

To provide a deeper understanding of the severity and potential consequences of DDoS attacks, let’s explore a few examples:

  1. Service Disruption: Imagine a popular e-commerce website that experiences a massive surge in traffic due to a flash sale or a highly anticipated product launch. An attacker seizes this opportunity and launches a DDoS attack, flooding the website’s servers with an overwhelming number of requests. As a result, the website becomes inaccessible to genuine users who are trying to make purchases, leading to significant revenue loss and damaging the company’s reputation.
  2. Financial Loss: In the case of online banking or financial institutions, DDoS attacks can have severe financial consequences. Attackers may target these organizations, causing their online banking services to become unavailable during peak transaction periods. Customers who rely on these services for day-to-day financial activities, such as transferring funds or paying bills, experience disruptions and may switch to other financial institutions. This loss of customer trust and potential financial liabilities can have a lasting impact on the affected organization.
  3. Reputational Damage: DDoS attacks can also be used as a means of protest or revenge. Activist groups or disgruntled individuals may launch DDoS attacks against specific websites or online services to voice their grievances or disrupt operations. Such attacks not only cause temporary service disruptions but can also tarnish the reputation of the targeted organization, leading to a loss of customer confidence and potential damage to its brand image.

To mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks, website administrators can consider implementing the following preventive measures:

  • Traffic Monitoring and Mitigation: Deploy robust traffic monitoring systems that can detect and filter out malicious traffic in real time. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) and web application firewalls (WAF) can help identify and block DDoS attack traffic before it reaches the website’s servers.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Utilize CDNs to distribute website content across multiple servers and data centers geographically. CDNs can help absorb and distribute traffic, mitigating the impact of DDoS attacks by spreading the load across different network locations.
  • Load Balancing: Implement load balancing techniques to evenly distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers. Load balancers can help scale resources effectively, ensuring that a website can handle increased traffic during normal periods and absorb traffic spikes during DDoS attacks.
  • DDoS Protection Services: Engage with specialized DDoS protection service providers who offer advanced mitigation capabilities. These services employ sophisticated traffic filtering techniques, such as rate limiting, blacklisting, and behavioral analysis, to identify and block malicious traffic.

For instance, a well-prepared organization might have a combination of traffic monitoring systems, CDN services, and load balancers in place to help detect and mitigate DDoS attacks. They may also partner with a dedicated DDoS protection service provider to enhance their defense against sophisticated attack vectors.

In conclusion, DDoS attacks can cripple websites, disrupt services, cause financial losses, and damage a company’s reputation. By implementing robust traffic monitoring and mitigation solutions, utilizing Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), adopting load balancing techniques, and leveraging DDoS protection services, website administrators can significantly mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks and ensure the availability and reliability of their online services.

6 — DNS Spoofing

DNS Spoofing also known as DNS cache poisoning or DNS hijacking, is a hacking technique where an attacker manipulates the Domain Name System (DNS) to redirect users to malicious websites or intercept their communication. The DNS translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to access websites by typing in familiar URLs. However, DNS Spoofing exploits vulnerabilities in the DNS infrastructure, compromising the integrity of the translation process and redirecting users to unauthorized destinations.

To provide a comprehensive understanding of DNS Spoofing, let’s explore the concept further and delve into some examples:

  1. Man-in-the-Middle Attack: In a typical Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack scenario, an attacker intercepts the communication between a user and a DNS server. The attacker modifies the DNS responses sent to the user’s device, replacing the legitimate IP addresses with malicious ones. As a result, when the user enters a domain name into their browser, they are unknowingly directed to a fraudulent website controlled by the attacker. This allows the attacker to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal data.
  2. Pharming: Pharming is a type of DNS Spoofing attack that involves compromising a user’s DNS cache or modifying the DNS server settings to redirect users to malicious websites. The attacker may employ various techniques to achieve this, such as infecting the user’s computer with malware or compromising the router’s DNS settings. Once users are redirected to the attacker’s fraudulent website, any information they enter, including passwords or financial data, can be collected by the attacker.
  3. Wi-Fi Network Exploitation: Public Wi-Fi networks are vulnerable to DNS Spoofing attacks. An attacker can set up a rogue access point, masquerading as a legitimate network, and perform DNS Spoofing to redirect users’ traffic. When users connect to the rogue network, their DNS queries are intercepted and manipulated, leading to unauthorized redirects and potential information theft.

Mitigating DNS Spoofing attacks requires implementing appropriate security measures:

  • DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions): DNSSEC is a security protocol that adds a layer of integrity and authenticity to DNS responses. It uses cryptographic signatures to verify the authenticity of DNS data, preventing unauthorized modifications or spoofing.
  • DNS Caching and TTL (Time-to-Live) Management: DNS caching can reduce the impact of DNS Spoofing attacks. By setting shorter TTL values, DNS records are refreshed more frequently, minimizing the window of opportunity for attackers to poison DNS caches.
  • DNS Monitoring and Intrusion Detection: Employing DNS monitoring and intrusion detection systems can help identify and alert administrators to potential DNS Spoofing attempts. Anomalies in DNS response times, sudden changes in IP addresses, or irregularities in DNS query patterns may indicate an ongoing attack.

Let’s consider an example of DNS Spoofing in action. Suppose an attacker targets a popular social media platform. By exploiting a vulnerability in the DNS infrastructure, the attacker manages to inject a fake DNS response into the cache of a local DNS server. As a result, users trying to access the social media platform are redirected to a fraudulent website that mimics the legitimate one. The attacker can then collect the users’ login credentials and use them for unauthorized purposes, such as identity theft or spreading malware.

In conclusion, DNS Spoofing poses a significant threat to the security and integrity of online communications. By implementing measures such as DNSSEC, DNS caching and TTL management, and DNS monitoring, organizations, and users can enhance their defenses against DNS Spoofing attacks. Staying vigilant and keeping software and systems up to date with the latest security patches are also crucial to mitigating the risks associated with this form of attack.

7 — Session Poisoning

Session Poisoning also known as Session Hijacking or Session sidejacking, is a hacking technique where an attacker gains unauthorized access to a user’s session information to impersonate the user and perform malicious activities. In session-based authentication systems, such as those commonly used in web applications, a session is established when a user logs in and is assigned a unique session identifier. Session Poisoning occurs when an attacker intercepts and manipulates this session identifier to gain control over the user’s session.

To provide a comprehensive understanding of Session Poisoning, let’s explore the concept further and delve into some examples:

  1. Session Sniffing: In a session sniffing attack, an attacker eavesdrops on network traffic to intercept session identifiers sent over unencrypted channels, such as HTTP. By capturing the session identifier, the attacker can hijack the user’s session and impersonate them. This allows the attacker to gain unauthorized access to the user’s account and perform actions on their behalf.
  2. Session Sidejacking: Session sidejacking, also known as session hijacking, involves an attacker intercepting the session identifier while it is being transmitted over a network. This attack is commonly carried out on public Wi-Fi networks or unsecured connections. Once the session identifier is obtained, the attacker can use it to hijack the user’s session, gaining access to their account and potentially extracting sensitive information.
  3. Session Fixation: Session fixation occurs when an attacker sets a session identifier for a user before they even authenticate themselves. The attacker lures the user into using the predetermined session identifier by tricking them into clicking on a manipulated link or visiting a malicious website. Once the user logs in, the attacker can use the pre-set session identifier to gain control over their session and carry out unauthorized actions.

Mitigating Session Poisoning attacks requires implementing appropriate security measures:

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encryption: Using secure protocols, such as HTTPS, ensures that session identifiers and other sensitive data are encrypted during transmission. This prevents attackers from intercepting the data while it is in transit.
  • Strong Session Management: Implementing secure session management techniques, such as generating unique session identifiers, associating them with user accounts, and expiring sessions after a period of inactivity, helps mitigate the risk of session poisoning.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Implementing 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their session identifier. This makes it more challenging for attackers to gain unauthorized access to user accounts.

Let’s consider an example of Session Poisoning in action. Suppose a user is accessing their online banking account through an unencrypted Wi-Fi network at a coffee shop. An attacker, who is also connected to the same network, intercepts the user’s session identifier transmitted over HTTP. With this session identifier, the attacker can impersonate the user and gain access to their online banking account. They can initiate unauthorized transactions, view sensitive financial information, or even change the user’s account details.

In conclusion, Session Poisoning poses a significant threat to the security and privacy of user sessions in web applications. By implementing measures such as TLS encryption, strong session management, and two-factor authentication, organizations can enhance their defenses against Session Poisoning attacks. Both application developers and users must stay vigilant and prioritize security to prevent unauthorized access to user sessions.

8 — Code Injection

Code Injection is a hacking technique where an attacker injects malicious code into a vulnerable application or system to manipulate its behavior and gain unauthorized access or execute arbitrary commands. This technique takes advantage of vulnerabilities that allow the execution of unintended code within an application’s runtime environment.

To provide a comprehensive understanding of Code Injection, let’s explore the concept further and delve into some examples:

  1. SQL Injection: SQL Injection is a prevalent form of Code Injection that targets databases. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in web application input fields that directly interact with a database, allowing them to inject malicious SQL queries. By manipulating the input, attackers can bypass authentication mechanisms, retrieve sensitive data, modify or delete database records, or even execute arbitrary commands on the underlying server.

For example, consider a login form that accepts a username and password. An attacker may input a malicious SQL statement into the username field, such as ' OR 1=1 --, which alters the intended SQL query and allows the attacker to log in without a valid username or password.

  1. Remote Code Injection: Remote Code Injection occurs when an attacker injects malicious code into a vulnerable application, enabling them to execute arbitrary commands on the targeted system. This can lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or even the complete compromise of the system.

An example of remote code injection is when an attacker exploits a vulnerability in a website’s input validation and uploads a malicious file, such as a PHP script, to the server. The attacker can then trigger the execution of this script by accessing it through a specific URL, allowing them to execute arbitrary commands and gain control over the server.

  1. Command Injection: Command Injection targets systems that accept user input to execute commands directly on the underlying operating system. Attackers inject malicious commands into vulnerable input fields, tricking the system into executing unintended commands.

For instance, imagine a web application that allows users to enter a search query to find files on the server. If the application fails to properly validate and sanitize user input, an attacker could input a malicious command, such as; rm -rf /, which gets executed alongside the intended command. This could result in the deletion of critical files or the execution of arbitrary commands on the server.

Mitigating Code Injection attacks requires implementing appropriate security measures:

  • Input Validation and Sanitization: Ensure that all user input is properly validated, sanitized, and verified before being processed or executed. This includes using parameterized queries or prepared statements for database interactions to prevent SQL Injection.
  • Least Privilege Principle: Limit the privileges and permissions of application components and systems to minimize the potential damage that can be caused by an attacker who successfully injects malicious code.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential code injection vulnerabilities. This includes staying up to date with security patches and following secure coding practices.

By addressing these measures, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of Code Injection attacks and protect their applications and systems from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other malicious activities.

In conclusion, Code Injection poses a significant threat to the security of applications and systems. By implementing secure coding practices, validating and sanitizing user input, and conducting regular security audits, organizations can mitigate the risk of Code Injection attacks and protect their systems from potential exploits. Developers must prioritize security throughout the software development lifecycle and for users to stay vigilant while interacting with online applications.

