Make Mountain Help and Assist Israel Hardware Innovative Companies Walk Out and Step into Asia Market

4 min readSep 8, 2016


Not too long ago, Make Mountain announced that it will begin a new business to help and assist Israel hardware innovative companies walk out and step into Asia market. In the meanwhile, Make Mountain and Israel well-known incubator Startup East have collaborated together. On 31th August, Make Mountain and Startup East hold the “Eastmakers Hardware Venture Contest” together at Google Campus, Tel Aviv. There are 7 Israel hardware innovative teams joined the contest. Make Mountain CEO Dennis Lu joined the event. Let’s step into the event to have a look~

Make Mountain and Startup East signed the collaboration agreement
Make Mountain CEO Dennis Lu joined the event

On the race day, hardware Innovative teams from Israel and China meet together. After check in, they are unlike normal event just sitting in fixed seats and wait for the competition begin. The competition begins with a Israel culture cocktail party, participants hold a champagne and communicate the experience of their hardware startup business.

Before the official competition
Before the official competition
Before the official competition
Before the official competition

In the meanwhile, there are many products from the innovative teams on site for the guests to have a try.

NI-O Toys
Alph1 Audio
guest is testing the product

Before the competition Official start, the founder of Startup East Amos introduced their Chinese partner Make Mountain, and he said they want to help Israel local hardware teams enter Chinese market through “Eastmakers” program. He also said they will take advantage of the priority of Chinese supply chain to help and assist Israel hardware startups optimize their business process and production, thus to reduce the production cost and achieve lean startup.

Startup East founder Amos give the speech

Make Mountain’s CEO Dennis Lu showed their special priority of supply chain resources to the participants and guests. Make Mountain can provide accelerated manufacturing services to hardware startups from Seed funding to small batch production. In Make Mountain, there are mechanical workshop, electronic lad and lean assembly line on site to provide low cost and quick respond services for the teams.

Make Mountain CEO Dennis Lu introduce Make Mountian

7 Israel hardware teams have wonderful roadshow in the competition. They are Alph1 which to solve speaker issue, fitness metronome Coyotta, professional projection presentation solution Wekast, fitness band with smart device Hyfit, kid smart toys Magnivation, resistance to the GPS jammers GPSdome, write any where device Phree.


After a rat race, the judge gave their record: Magnivation, Aleph1, WeKast win the competition, and the prize is $50,000 seed funding and 3 months production accelerate services from Make Mountain.

Winners photo together

This is just the beginning of the trip Make Mountain step into Israel, for more about Make Mountain, please follow us on our facebook @MakeMountain.




A lean manufacturing space where makers accelerate prototypes to production.