How to Avoid Facebook Account Blocking?

MuLogin Anti-detection Browser
3 min readJan 5, 2024


Many sellers of e-commerce, advertising and marketing or foreign trade people will put ads on Facebook to promote their products. However, in the process of using Facebook, many people may have encountered frequent account blocking. Account blocking may seriously affect the image and operation of individuals and businesses. In this article, we will introduce the common reasons for Facebook account blocking, as well as some effective preventive measures.

I. The Common Reasons for Facebook Account Blocking:

Device and IP reasons:

1. Multiple devices logging in at the same time on mobile phones, computers, and pads. If you log in to the same Facebook account on multiple devices simultaneously, or log in to a Facebook account on multiple computer ports in parallel. In this way, the platform will detect that the login IP of the same account is different, which will easily lead to blocking;

2. Registering a new account and logging in multiple times on the same device and the same IP;

3. Frequent IP address changes. If you use a free proxy IP, or a proxy that is not secure enough, it will easily cause your Facebook account IP to be unstable, and the IP address will change frequently, resulting in triggering Facebook’s security mechanism.

Account Reasons:

1. False identity information, as well as non-normal account profile (including avatar, name, profile, etc.). In addition, frequent as well as drastic changes to the account profile can also trigger security authentication.

2. Account inactivity by not logging into the account for a long period of time.

3. Frequent operation of a new account within a short period of time, including group posting of the same message, adding friends, adding a large number of groups, logging out of the account, and other behaviors.

4. Violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use is the most common reason for account blocking. This includes posting illegal, violent, pornographic or fraudulent content, impersonating others, spamming or abusive advertising, and other behaviors.

5. If there are numerous reports of your account from other users, Facebook may review your account and may block it if violations are found.

6. If your account is subject to a malware or phishing attack, your account may be stolen by hackers and used for violations, which may result in the account being blocked;

7. The same user registers for multiple Facebook accounts.

II. Effective Ways to Prevent Account Blocking:

1. First, make sure you comply with the platform’s terms of use and avoid posting any content that violates them. Understanding the terms of use can help you avoid unconsciously violating the rules.

2. Secondly, be careful when clicking on links and downloading attachments: avoid clicking on links from unknown sources, especially those sent via personal messages or emails. In addition, do not download and install attachments from untrustworthy sources to prevent malware infections.

3. Avoid adding random strangers as friends and try to accept friend requests only from people you know and trust. In addition, be cautious when participating in potentially risky groups and avoid associating with offending content and users.

4. Remember to prohibit advertising posts on newly registered accounts.

How to ensure each Facebook account has an independent IP address and browser digital fingerprint?

MuLogin Fingerprint Browser mainly provides independent fingerprints and environmental isolation for each account, which facilitates users to log in to multiple accounts simultaneously on the same computer and prevents account association from being blocked.

By modifying the browser fingerprint information, including IP address, UA, font, language, number of threads, graphics card, resolution, sound card, CPU, memory, media device and other fingerprint hardware parameters, anti-leakage settings computer name and MAC address.

Users can register and log in multiple Facebook accounts on one device, and each account is equipped with an independent IP address to ensure that multiple Facebook accounts are logged in at once without being associated, which is an effective account anti-blocking tool. Ensure that each Facebook account has a separate IP address and browser digital fingerprint, as well as separate and different registration information. MuLogin supports free trial for new users!

III. Conclusion

In order to prevent Facebook account blocking, we need to comply with Facebook’s terms of use, and we also need to do some precautions to help us reduce the risk of account blocking, and to protect the image and security of individuals and businesses.



MuLogin Anti-detection Browser

MuLogin Anti-detection Browser aims to help users log in to and manage multiple cross-border e-commerce platforms/social media/advertising and marketing account