Multiversum: Proof of Pudding and other Developments

2 min readNov 10, 2018


Given our recent level of activity, it’s quite easy to assume that all is quiet on the western front.

But it’s not.

We’ve spent the weeks since our last update streamlining operations and administrative functions. Cutting off fluffs and trimming fats. Some of these changes wouldn’t be noticeable initially — as they bake, while others are ready to be consumed. In this week update, we’ll be presenting two of the latter.

Community Development

Our community, communications, and support team have been radically overhauled to provide effective and efficient interactions with the community. In light of this development, it was necessary to recreate a few channels of communication including our News and Announcements channel and the Italian language channels on Telegram.

Our official channel for news and announcements now has a new home at

The Italian channel has now moved to

Blockchain Development

Developing a blockchain is one thing. Developing one that addresses the fundamental shortcomings of three generations of blockchain development is entirely a whole new ball game. Unlike smart contracts that are faster and easier to code, audit, and deploy, blockchain development is complex, complicated, and time-consuming. Hence the reason why our founder, Andrea Taini, may seem to have disappeared into a black hole.

He hasn’t.

Following recent community requests for development update, Andrea not only indulged us with a rare glimpse into progress so far, but also demonstrated some of its features and abilities including dApp creation and a glimpse into our groundbreaking PoI system.

How to Create dApp on Multiversum:

PoI Demonstration:

The videos are currently in Latin. English language versions are being worked on and will be made available shortly. Consider this a sneak peek into the new phase of Multiversum.

What’s Next

Over the coming weeks, we will be unveiling several new developments including a revamped website, updated roadmap, development insights, and partnerships.

Stay tuned.

Multiversum, Here to Stay

