Multiversum Token Allocation Update

2 min readSep 21, 2018


Multiversum ended its Token Generation Event on the 24th of June, 2018. During the event, 141,000,000 tokens was minted to be distributed as follows:

76% to Contributors — 107,160,000

15% to Team and Founders — 21,150,000

6% to Collaborators — 8,460,000

3% to Advisor and Partners — 4,230,000

This distribution model was based on the TGE selling out. However, having sold only 31,725,827.17 tokens during the event, this distribution model has to be recalculated based on the total number of tokens sold and airdrop allocation from unsold tokens.

109,274,172.83 tokens were unsold, half of which (54,637,086.41) has now been added to the total supply resulting in a maximum token supply of 86,362,913.59. Based on this total, the number of tokens assigned to the Founders, Team, Collaborators, Advisors and Partners have been recalculated:

15% to Team and Founders — 12,954,437.04

6% to Collaborators — 5,181,774.82

3% to Advisor and Partners — 2,590,887.41

The total amount to be paid out is 20,727,099.26 tokens. Team and Founders tokens will be locked up for a year. To calculate the total supply, the circulating supply derived from the amount sold (31,725,827.17) is added to the figure above, giving us a total of 52,452,926.43

Total Maximum Supply — 86,362.913.59

Total Supply — 52,452,926.43

Circulating Supply — 31,725,827.17

So, what will happen to the difference between the Total Maximum Supply and the Total Supply? You’ve guessed right!


33,909,987.15 tokens will be airdropped to every token holders who lock up their token on over a period of 18 months.

Stay tuned for more information about Token Burn and Airdrop!

