Becoming a Healthy Happy Mum

Healthy Happy Mums
1 min readNov 27, 2017


Hi, I’m Beth. I had my daughter in June 2016 after a rough pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes. For the first few months I was in a bubble of newborn love but, as the novelty wore off and reality of being at home with a screaming baby set in, I began to lose myself.

I started this campaign because in the 18 months since my daughter was born I have been up and down with more starts and stops than Brexit negotiations — and a lot less cheerful — a lot of the time. What has saved me, time and again, is exercise, getting into the great outdoors and a whole lot of support from other mums, oh yeah and a short course of CBT.

Where we live in South London there is a wealth of exercise groups, mum meetups and green spaces. I found most of these by googling, word of mouth or local groups on facebook. Now, for all those new mothers (and older mothers!) I want to save you the hours of google searches and share what I’ve learned about getting healthy and happy and finding yourself again.

For more find me on twitter, facebook, and instagram



Healthy Happy Mums

Promoting healthiness and happiness in new mums and beyond