The Definitive Guide to Python Frameworks

John Walter Munene Njeru
9 min readFeb 1, 2023


I’ve recently been speaking with senior software engineers about web development careers. As the end approached, we got into specifics and touched on the best development languages. We narrowed it down to JavaScript and Python for web development.

While the topic got interesting as we dived into both languages, I enjoyed the python-based section as it was my first programming language. Many junior developers prefer it for its simplicity and fast learning progress. Despite its seamless model, you probably don’t want to get caught not knowing which framework to learn or use for a particular project.

This post assumes you have a solid understanding of the python syntax and looking to move forward with web development using python. Alternatively, you might be an experienced developer, and you’re struggling to pick the best choice for your project. In either case, you are in the right place. You will learn about the popular frameworks based on market demand. By the end, you will be able to make your selection and proceed with your developer career.

What are Frameworks in python?

Frameworks are software tools created by experienced developers to automate and make development agile. Python frameworks automate the implementation of developmental tasks while providing a reliable structure for app development. Every framework contains collections of packages and modules to reduce developmental time. Frameworks offer an efficient method to avoid redundancy and thus aid you in focusing more on application logic instead of low-level details like sockets, protocols, and process management.

While Python has frameworks for every technical domain, here are the existing types:

  1. Full-stack framework — This option offers complete website development solutions. In the front-end domain, the framework provides tools for graphical user interface (GUI) — form generators and template layouts. The back end is built by services like databases, security protocols, business logic, and form validation. This framework provides all the required components for your developer’s needs. A good example is the Django framework.
  2. Micro Framework — This is an extensible, lightweight framework class. It offers components required for building a web application but lacks additional features like database abstraction layers, templating engines, form validations, authentication, and authorization. While the lack of certain security features may seem like a turn-off, it encourages you to be flexible and leverage control over your software. You only add the relevant third-party library based on your particular needs. A good example is the Flask framework.
  3. Asynchronous framework — This model uses the asyncio library to run multiple processes concurrently. Applications built using asynchronous frameworks are event-driven. Instead of executing lines of code sequentially when handling functions, they run code in a non-blocking manner — do not wait for one event to complete before starting another. Based on this parallel programming technique, these models allow for abundant high-performance abundant processes and connections.

Why Use a Framework?

Developing a web application involves you in redundant operations. For instance, you may need to call HTTP URLs repeatedly, making your development tedious. Python frameworks allow you to reuse code for similar functions. In modern software development, you always work alongside other developers during production. The framework structures your project, letting you collaborate while building and maintaining the application. Several advantages are associated with using a framework for software development, including easy implementation, good documentation, enhanced security, efficient software operation, code reusability, easy integration, and open source.

Python Frameworks vs. Libraries

While both frameworks and libraries offer developers operational methods and functionalities, the line is drawn at specificity and complexity. A library is a package collection used to perform specific operations. On the other hand, a framework is an application’s basic flow and architecture. You can call methods to work with your code if you are working with a library. However, you can use tools and existing features you build upon when using a framework.

For clarity, Python libraries have dozens of useful functions to tackle specific uses. The key attribute here is simplicity. They perform specific tasks which are ultimately a fraction of a larger puzzle. With frameworks, you get a specific layout of how your application looks like. The more complex a framework is the more detailed outline of its internal pieces.

Top Python Frameworks Explained

There are numerous Python frameworks in the market available for web development. Each framework equips you with unique features and capabilities. Here is a detailed breakdown of the top five Python frameworks.

1. Django

Django is a full-stack framework that is well appreciated by the online community when building Python applications. It is equipped with many tools to build large and complex web applications. Unlike other frameworks, Django is open-source and free to use. Django has recently appeared in the best web development frameworks.

Django follows the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) criterion and uses object relation mapping (ORM) to map objects to databases. Django inherently supports databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle. While these are the most used databases, you can use Django with other databases, provided you are set with third-party drivers.

Here are Django’s key attributes:

  • URL routing
  • Templating engine
  • Authentication
  • Enhanced security
  • Plenty of libraries to use
  • Database schema migrations
  • Web-server support

If you are looking to get started with Django, the best place to start is the official Django documentation. You can still use courses, paid or free, although I advocate for the latter. Check out Django tutorials here.

2. Flask

Flask is a Python microframework. Flask is lightweight and customizable to meet your developer needs. While the Sinatra Ruby framework has greatly inspired it, it requires the Werzeurg WSGI tool kit and Jinja2 template.

Flask allows you to build solid application foundations using any required extensions. Flask is also compatible with the Google APP engine. Here are Flask’s defining features:

  • An inbuilt fast debugger
  • HTTP request handling
  • An inbuilt developmental server
  • RESTful request dispatching
  • WSGI 1.0 compliance
  • Integrated unit testing support
  • Support plugging in any ORM
  • Cookies for client-side sessions
  • Unicode based.

If you are a beginner, the best place to learn is the official Flask documentation. While this is your main reference when you have a query in your developer life, you can still interact with other Flask tutorials for more knowledge.

3. Web2Py

Web2Py is an open-source framework. If you are a Python developer seeking a full-stack scalable framework, Web2Py is your choice. It also runs on all popular operating systems. Web2Py has an inbuilt integrated development environment (IDE) that comprises a code editor, debugger, and one-click deployment.

Web2Py is a powerful data handling tool with security over vulnerabilities associated with injection flaws, cross-site scripting, and malicious file execution. You can use it to create dynamic web content. However, it is not supported by Python 3.0. Web2Py has an amazing ticketing system that issues a ticket whenever your system runs into an error. Here are its unique attributes:

  • Ability to read multiple protocols
  • Ne prerequisites for installation and configuration
  • Support for multiple platforms
  • Data security
  • Efficient error-tracking techniques
  • Role-based access controls
  • Backward compatibility

You can get started with Web2Py learning through its official documentation here.

4. Bottle

Bottle is a Python microframework well-credited for prototyping and building personalized applications. It creates a single source file for every application featuring it among the best web development frameworks. While it was originally developed for building APIs, it requires no dependencies for creating small web applications.

Bottle allows you to work closely with the hardware as you build your applications. It is well known as the best apt fit for learning web framework organizations and prototyping. Here are its key features:

  • Built-in HTTP server
  • Plugin support for multiple databases
  • Access to form data, headers, cookies, and file uploads
  • Routing
  • Templating
  • Abstraction layer over WSGI standards
  • Ability to run on multiple platforms

If you want to learn a Bottle, its documentation is a good place to begin your adventure.

5. CherryPy

CherryPy is among the oldest open-source, object-oriented Python microframeworks. It dates back to June 2002 and has since followed a minimalistic approach. CherryPy has inbuilt multithreaded web servers; hence its applications are standalone. CherryPy runs on all Operating Systems (OS) that support Python. CherryPy allows you to build web applications using the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) coding style.

The flexibility of CherryPy allows you to use any technology to create data access and templates. Here are its key attributes:

  • Flexible plugin system
  • Ability to run on different platforms
  • Inbuilt support for profiling, testing, and coverage
  • Seamless running for multiple HTTP servers at once
  • Authentication
  • Encoding

Get started with learning CherryPy here.

How to Choose the Right Python Framework for your project

If you have made it this far, pat yourself on the back. You have insights into several Python frameworks. Now that you have a good foundation, let’s choose the best one for your project. Here are the factors to consider.

1. The Size of your Project

The first step is to evaluate the size of your project. A full-stack framework will be the best option if you want to develop a large-packed system with many modules and features. However, if your interest lies in building a small project with minimal requirements, then you should consider using a micro framework.

2. Framework Scalability

The best framework has to offer a high scalability level. If the framework can scale vertically and horizontally, it’s a good option. In this case, it should be able to run on multiple servers while handling heavy traffic loads without breaking.

3. Multi-view Controller (MVC) Pattern

The MVC architecture is common in all Python frameworks. It helps you maintain a data model, logic controller, and template-view structure while keeping the separated. This operation model helps you write quality code that escalates to quality applications. While this structure is common, you can use alternatives like model-view-presenter (MVP) or model-view-adapter (MVA). The list grows, and you should evaluate which control architecture best suits your application. More on this later.

4. Budgeting and Hosting

As a developer, you are not limited to the number of applications you can build. It would be best to choose an edge-cutting platform to host your site. However, note that this may only partially depend on you. Your client could have a particular choice. Dedicated hosting is the superior option, coming with a relatively higher cost. If you opt for shared hosting, expenses are cheaper but at the cost of mediocre plugins and modules.

5. Installation

Seamless installation is a key factor to weigh when picking your developmental framework. Some frameworks may offer you speed and efficiency but require numerous installation steps, which might require some effort. While reliability seems a good option to work with, you should consider the ease at which you can deploy to production. The best option is to pick a framework with a simple installation interface and easy deployment steps.

Final Thoughts

The python programming language dominates the software development vertical. It is preferred by the experienced developer for its ability to build scalable applications. Ultimately, if you want to get into the world of programming, then it is your best choice to grab the basics of programming flow and syntax.

Both frameworks and libraries are vital to Python programming. When it comes to executing small tasks, you use libraries. If you are working on an application, you must opt for a framework.

All frameworks are good. A particular framework will best suit its unique needs. If you are building a small application, you can work with a microframework. If you are creating a complex application, you can opt for the full-stack framework for a better developer experience.

Choosing the right framework for your project requires you to weigh several options. You just need to evaluate the size of your projects, your developer expertise with applications’ MVC, scalability, and the costs of hosting. It would be best to check through each framework’s capabilities before deciding the best one for your project.

If you are new to Python, get started with learning python here:



John Walter Munene Njeru

An Electrical and Electronics Engineer with passion for software development and blockchain technology. Loves to learn and educate the online community.