iOS Developer Interview Questions — Part 2

Muralidharan Kathiresan
Swift India
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2018

Last part we have covered the general questions on iOS, Swift and good approaches. This part is also the same but it includes all the differences between.

  1. Class vs Struct

2. Enum — Associated vs Raw

3. Stored property vs Computed property

4. map vs filter vs compactMap vs reduce

5. escaping vs non-escaping vs trailing vs auto-closures

6. open vs public vs internal vs fileprivate vs private

7. IBOutlet vs IBAction

8. Strong vs weak vs unowned

9. Operations vs GCD

10. App states

11. frame vs bound

12. Forced Unwrapping vs Automatic Unwrapping vs Optional Binding

13. UIViewController Life Cycle:

14. KVO vs KVC

15. CoreData vs SQLite vs Realm

will meet you in PART 3 with a different set of tricks and tips for cracking iOS Developer interview.

EDIT: Part 3 is ready !!!

Thanks for reading.

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Muralidharan Kathiresan
Swift India

Crafting beautiful apps to make people’s life easier 😅