How to be Thankful on a Daily Basis: A Rehash of Thanksgiving 2016

Steven J. Bradley
The Cellar
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019


Photo by Jessica Castro on Unsplash

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I sit down to write not only because I am truly thankful, but because I’ve been asked too. Someone needed to make a prepared toast for Thanksgiving dinner, and I was selected, being the great orator that I am. (Cough, cough!) Or even perhaps I was asked because I’m considered to be a thank full person, or even better yet perhaps it was because I have a true and deep understanding of what it truly means to be thankful. Or maybe they were just lazy and decided to pass the buck onto me. Regardless of the motives, I was asked, and I accepted, so here it goes:

Thankfulness is more than just happy happy, joy joy, look at me and look at my possessions. Thankfulness does not always belong to the blessed but also to those who most would consider unfortunate. Thankfulness does not require any type of social status or a high level of intellectuality. Thankfulness does not involve any sense of entitlement; the two attributes can’t share the same space because they are incompatible.

People say that thankfulness is a state of mind, but I believe we can take that even a step further in our understanding of true thankfulness by saying that it is also a state of the heart. In so saying that it is a condition of the heart it can come down to an issue of morality, do you choose to be thankful every…



Steven J. Bradley
The Cellar

Vintage Etsy Shop Owner, Wanna Be Writer, Sometimes streams on Twitch, Wishes to leave the real job behind. Website: