MusicPromoToday on Why Networking in Music Is Key For Artists & Bands

6 min readOct 16, 2019


In the music industry, you can ask anyone about the essentials of the job and they will most definitely include ‘networking’ in their top three priorities.

While music pr and music marketing is key for digital visibility; building a network is essential too — a matter of time, effort, and understanding to understand this whole process though. All the passionate people working in the different fields of the music industry have a specialized role intricately connected to each other. Successful bands or artists rely on strong connections with professionals from these various branches of the music industry. They also have a network that includes record labels, bloggers, journalists, PR agents, booking agents, venue directors, talent buyers, etc.

As a musician launching a new music project, you will find yourself having to work with tour agents, streaming services and PR campaigners in very close collaboration, to ensure a successful outcome. This means that your success does not just come from your artistic creations but from your ability to develop and maintain relationships with all the professionals involved in different areas of the industry, similarly to many other types of enterprises in other fields. The music industry revolves around networking and on mutually beneficial professional relationships.

Most artists find it difficult in the beginning to become networkers because it is associated with taking advantage of others for self-interest. It is also because it is not in their nature to do so, since their passion is usually driven towards music and music only. However, networking does not mean being opportunistic in negative ways and works only if its beneficial aspects are mutual.

1- Step outside your comfort zone & NETWORK!

Forcing yourself to step outside of your comfort zone is the first thing to think about as a musician seeking to establish working relationships. Once your recording session is over, step out the booth/ the studio and start creating links with people; the engineer, the producer, the other talented acts responsible of mastering and mixing your records. Dress up adequately, first impression is everything. Other places to be: conferences, festivals and concerts are also some of the most relevant places for building contacts. Concerts, for example are a great way to establish contacts with venue owners, booking agents, promoters and of course, other musicians and journalists. They also attend these venues and events to make links. Make the most of their time and take advantage of those calendar dates — especially that they take place all 4 seasons during a calendar year.

Conferences can be very helpful since everyone attending is obviously going there with the same purpose in mind: networking. Make sure to choose the right event for you and spend time on preparing it. You can do some research on who is going to attend that specific event and if you know someone attending, do some research on their past or current projects. First impressions are always key and that applies to all face-to-face interactions. Remember, it is very important to have a mutual curiosity and giving is as important as receiving, if not more.

You can also prepare what you are going to say about yourself and your project, keeping in mind that when you are at the event, you shouldn’t sound like you are reading a script. Sometimes, it takes weeks or months for those people to listen to your music and decide to collaborate with you. Don’t rush things and learn that the best things in music take TIME!

Attending festivals and concerts is also of great importance for putting yourself in situations to meet professionals of the field and other musicians. Meeting other musicians is key to hear what they have to say about their experiences, whether artistic or regarding networking and marketing themselves. Every interaction is a form of networking and you can never know what meeting a person will bring in the future for you. This can go from business opportunities to artistic collaborations so always be alert, generous, clear yet open minded in your communication.

2- Master your social media strategy.

The world is big and we cannot travel everywhere to meet in person all the people we would like to meet or everyone we would think could be interesting to meet. Technology and social media allows us to connect with people across the whole world with a single click. It has even become a necessity today to promote oneself and be active online, especially on social media and streaming platforms. It widens the range of possibilities for professional relationships and networking opportunities breaking down all geographic barriers. With people in the industry living very busy lives, it can also be a more accessible tool to use to reach them and catch their attention.

However, it is important to use the tool wisely in order to get maximum results. For artists, the first thing to do is to research and identify the potential professional contacts working in the sub fields they are targeting. If you are a hip-hop artist, there is no need to connect with a heavy metal label for example. The next step is to engage with them through social media including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn, by interacting with them through comments and participating in conversations. LinkedIn can help expand your network across the world in the music industry. Twitter is a great tool for developing your presence and get your name out there by directly interacting with fans and professionals. Facebook, through its groups, can help you connect with targeted audiences of your specific genre or subgenre, where all the fans and professionals directly concerned can interact and communicate with each other.

It is not necessary to send them your work right away, rush and push your agenda on them; a slower approach can prove to be more beneficial. Once again, showing interest to the other, first is always a great way to gain people’s empathy, curiosity and respect. Once they know who you are, and are more familiar with you, you can send your material without being too impatient for an immediate response.

3- Follow up/Think outside the box.

Whether it is after a face-to-face interaction or through social media, it is key to follow up. Some people can forget they met you at a certain event, the number of people they met the same day being considerable. Following through by sending a nice email, or sharing some new stuff you dropped on YouTube or Soundcloud showing you really care always makes people happy and helps build working relationships in the long run. This is key in music marketing.

Including a detail that came up in the conversation and small attentions like that are always a plus on your side to gain people’s attention and sympathy. So following initial interaction, always make sure to follow up and reconnect with the people you have talked to in person or through social media. Otherwise, your press kit, business cards, and sent material might probably end up in the bin.

While you are following up and waiting for responses, don’t sit back and relax too much. Think outside the box and try to figure out where you didn’t send an email, what are the upcoming events near you, what research you can do online to send more material, reach out to radios, TV, Film producers and send all your material with a professional presentation to maximize your chances for work opportunities.

Radio plugging may cost a fortune. Hiring a music PR firm is not cheap. They drive results, but they are not necessarily a solution for artists not to put in the extra sweat and hard work.

Our conclusion:

Networking is crucial to reach success within the music industry. Create your world — be original! Find your audience — it’s a BIG universe!

Start by networking with us, tell us about your next music project; whether an EP or full album; we’d love to hear from you and guide you strategically so you can maximize exposure and get enough eyeballs on your next project.

Yours truly,

The team at



MusicPromoToday is a full service music marketing, music pr and branding agency for both professional and aspiring artists. Email: