A Guide to Choose An Appropriate ICSE School For Your Child

Muskan Vishwakarma
3 min readSep 28, 2022


A Guide to Choose An Appropriate ICSE School For Your Child

ICSE is the most popular school system in India. The most important thing you need to know about ICSE schools is that they are only available in cities with state capital status or Union Territory level government. So, if you want your child to study at an ICSE school, they should live in one of these places: Chennai, Mumbai, or Delhi.

Check the accreditation of the school.

Accreditation is an external review of a school’s educational program, including its academic programs, governance, and finances. It is conducted by an independent body (the Indian Accreditation Council for Schools & Colleges or IACSC) that ensures that schools conform to the highest standards in education and conduct.

The Council has provided guidelines for evaluating schools based on various parameters, including syllabus content and pedagogical approach; facilities available for students; teachers’ qualifications; professional development opportunities offered by institutions; student-teacher ratio, etc.

Teacher-to-student ratio

Teacher to student ratio is one of the essential factors to consider while choosing a school for your child. It is the number of students per teacher in a class, which can be too large or too small for your child’s development.

A small number of students per teacher is considered better than having many more students than teachers, which could lead to an environment where the teacher does not have enough time available for individual attention and thus may be unable to provide practical support and guidance for all learners at all times

A good starting point when considering this factor would be looking at past year’s results (if they exist) when comparing schools with similar numbers; if you see that one school had around 20% more students per teacher than another, then it might be worth considering whether there are any other factors involved here — maybe some kids were streamed into advanced classes? Or perhaps some parents wanted their children taught alongside older ones who had already been through years of schooling so they could make friends etc.

Infrastructure and facilities

The infrastructure of an ICSE school should be well-equipped with all the necessary facilities. The school should have a good playground, library, and science lab for both boys and girls. It is essential to ensure that there are computers in each classroom so your child can access the internet using their own device during study time or recess.

Management, Administrative staff, and instructors of the schools. The administrative staff is also essential in determining how satisfied you will be with your experience at ICSE schools. This includes teachers and non-teaching staff who work directly with students or families during their stay at the school.

School Fees — Is it transparent?

School fees should be transparent. The school should tell you the total cost, including all expenses and charges. If there are any hidden charges, you should know about them before enrolling your child in the school.

School fees should be reasonable. The amount charged by a school depends on its quality and facilities provided for students so that it does not exceed your budget constraints too much for admission of each student into classes or sports activities such as basketball or hockey matches, etcetera; also, it would help if parents can choose from several options regarding how much they want their children to spend per month on education rather than paying total amount upfront which might not leave enough money left over after taking care of other basic needs such as food bills etcetera.

Get accepted to Chennai’s top ICSE school?

To choose the best ICSE school in Chennai, you should check the following:

  • School Fee
  • School Infrastructure and Facilities
  • Management of the school, faculty, and staff (do they have experience?

They focus on innovative teaching methods and emphasize extra-curricular activities such as sports and music classes that help develop the creative thinking skills of your child.


It is important to note that the ICSE school admission process is highly competitive, and you need to understand what is happening in the city. A parent must be prepared for all scenarios during this process, as they can’t afford to miss out on any opportunity!

