week 14 | MA data visualisation

4 min readFeb 5, 2023

This week has been so fun, working with Arduino, using the photography studio, printmaking, thinking about the final major project and data walking.

I attended an Arduino workshop where we were introduced to physical computing, which can be described as ‘plugging stuff into other stuff’ and ’connections made out of bits of metal’.

In the workshop, we used an ultrasonic distance sensor to change the output on a neopixel. We also explored using the mic and speaker as inputs to create different visuals

I am interested in making a kinetic sculpture that can allow for interaction, and learning more about how to do this. I am also interested in wearable electronics using the Adafruit/Lily pad.

I decided to re-photograph my outcomes for my unit 01 submission, using the copy stand in the photography studio at LCC. This allowed me to photograph my book from a birds-eye view and control the outcome. I was much happier with my photographs when using this equipment, and plan to edit them into a short video/gif for sharing.

I spent a whole day in the relief printing workshop! We learnt lots, from how to emboss and deboss paper, lino printing and how to use the letterpress machines. I found it engaging to learn printmaking in this way, and it has made me feel inspired to use this form of printmaking to produce my data-cushions output.

We are continuing to explore concepts of Dérive and Psychogeography. This week our group listened to the audio we recorded and explored possible themes for our outcome to produce a type of ‘sound map’. We made a collaborative miro board to share thoughts about this. I feel very excited about building an outcome together.

We continued to learn Javascript and D3.js, making grids of shapes, and understanding some of the principles of coding.

At the end of the week, I attended a concert at Iklectik. The audio-visual performance was by The Light Surgeons and explored, poetic documentary film, analogue photography/slideshows, real-time graphics and live electronic and cello music.




Currently undertaking an MA in Data Visualisation at UAL. Sharing my explorations and experimentation.