week 33 | MA Data Visualisation

4 min readJul 31, 2023

This week has been all about our WIP (work-in-progress show), learning how to make a box, riso-printing, and interactions with the drawing machines.

At the beginning of the week, I worked in the 3D workshop* to create an acrylic box that would contain the drawing machine. I wanted to box to be modular, so I designed it with 100 holes on each side, allowing for flexibility in where wires can go and the ways I could build up the drawing machines.

*Thanks to the technicians at LCC for all their help, support, and advice on producing the box.

I scanned in one of my collaborative drawing experiments and produced a riso-print poster to give context to the work, and allow for feedback about participants' interactions with the drawing network. I chose Riso, because I was interested in exploring overlays of the drawing in a manual way, and also wanted to use fluorescent colours in my outcome and tone.

I have been continuing to experiment with the drawing machine, using wires to create different movement effects and drawing gestures. I have also been testing pens and paper to finalize my choices for the WIP show.

On Thursday morning we launched the WIP show, it was a great opportunity to create new drawing outputs and see how participants interacted and responded to the movement of the pens, by dancing themselves, adding more pens to the network, and connecting pens together.

In my crit, I explained about the network, and we discussed how the next stages could be to drive the motors using mycelium data. As well as consider how the drawing machine can be iterated to be more robust, and what materials and sounds I could consider in the outcome.

As ever I found it really interesting and fun to learn in more depth about my classmate's Final Major Project and learn from the ways they are approaching and visualizing their data through our crit sessions.




Currently undertaking an MA in Data Visualisation at UAL. Sharing my explorations and experimentation.