Mutant Cats DAO

Mutant Cats DAO
5 min readAug 11, 2022

Flash Back Series


Welcome! Come take a trip down memory lane, and relive the legend of the first and only DAO that took its destiny into its own paws. The DAO that seized control and prevailed over the tyrannical and greedy claws of the DEVs. The DAO that stuck together, and saved a community of Cats from a healthy serving of hairballs for breakfast. This is the story of the Mutant Cats DAO and how we came to be.

The Mutant Cats DAO officially gained its Independence January 2022. The journey to this place started months prior though. At that time, the Cat Board was referred to as Senior Cats and they were the main force behind this revolution. Before we can tell you their story we have to go back in time and tell you about the original developers of the Mutant Cats. For this story we will call them the ‘Old Devs’.

The Old Devs officially released Mutant Cats as a stealth launch October 4th, 2021 on OpenSea. Mutant Cats NFT was released as DAO and with the full intention of being a DAO. The Old Dev team initially funded the DAO and purchased a Cool Cats NFT which would be held in a DAO controlled vault. This was a way of fractionalizing valuable NFTs and giving those who were priced out of these to own a slice. This was a revolutionary idea within the NFT space. We know this because soon after, DAO projects fractionalizing larger NFTs started popping up left and right. BUT the Mutant Cats were the original. There was something special brewing and the community knew it.

Quickly, community members stepped up and the Mutant Cats DAO created a multi-sig wallet and governance structure. In this governance structure, the Senior Cats were in charge of running small teams of community members to help grow the DAO. At this point the Mutant Cats NFT and the Mutant Cats DAO were separate entities. The DAO was in charge of all DAO funds, governance and whatever we chose to do with the DAO. We did not have control of the overall direction and strategy of the project. The Old Devs were adamant about that detail. Fast forward through the good ole days to when the Senior Cats started seizing control of the project.

Mid to late November was when the relationship between the Senior Cats and the Old Devs began to fracture. This occurred for many reasons. Mainly because of communication or lack thereof. This break in communication started occurring more and more after the 2nd collection, Mutant Gorillas, were released. After time had passed the community was able to take an honest, self-reflective look at the Mutant Gorillas auction. We concluded that the Gorillas were frankly a money grab for the Old Dev team.

This was when the Senor Cats held a meeting and decided that we needed to separate the DAO from the Dev team. Weeks of no communication. The Old Dev team lost all credibility with our Mod team but now with the community.

Purr was the Dev that came to the table to talk terms. Initially the Old Dev team did not want to give up control over the project. It started calm but quickly became hostile. Purr would come to the table and then would go back to his team and ghost the Senior cats for a week. This back and forth lasted a whole month and at one point Purr would only talk to MusicManEd and Kuzah.

There were a series of contracts and assets that the DAO needed to obtain in order to fully control the project. Finally, CatDev came to the table and we received some of the contracts but not the main ones. At this point, we didn’t know if we could save the DAO. Talks were not going anywhere. BUT, we had multi sig. This was our canary in the coal mine.

Our multi-sig team at the time included 2 members of the Old Devs. Something unbelievable occurred during a routine signing of transactions. This was something that the multi-sig team had to do occasionally; sign several transactions at a time. This time was different, a member of the multi-sig team realized that there was a transaction that was going to send millions of $fish out of the DAOs control. We immediately kicked Purr and CatDev from multi-sig and saved the DAO from certain collapse. The Senior Cats were on the offensive! At this same time, some community members learned about another project that the Old Dev team were working on. Cats flooded their discord and demanded independence. All of the Devs dirty laundry was out on the table. The Senior Cats continued with this until the Dev team resurfaced. Finally, Purr came back to the table to negotiate. He came back saying the DAO owed them money.

The audacity.

The Devs abandoned a whole community, tried to drain the DAO of its $fish, did not pay MODs on several occasions, weeks of no communication. And we can keep going. The Senior Cats held strong and continued to push for freedom. CatDev mysteriously came back to discord and the rest of the contracts were handed over. At last the Mutant Cats DAO had full ownership over the project.

The Mutant Cats story is truly a one of a kind story. That is why we have such a strong community. We have been through a lot in this project’s first year. A day in the NFT space is like weeks. Our story is still being written. The DAO has full ownership of the contracts, socials, assets, and soon to be art. The Senior Cats, now Cat Board, took swift action and decided to revamp our art. The reason the DAO chose to do this was because we did not want any copyright issue with the Old Dev team artist. The DAO technically did not create the original art and to make our project 100% secure and 100% DAO owned, we needed to revamp the art. A rebirth.

We really appreciate everyone for coming by and reliving this monumental part of the Mutant Cats history. This is something we can build from. Change is an uncomfortable process. Key word. Process. Stay strong, stay positive, stay kind and we will achieve something great for the Mutant Cats.

More information about $FISH:



Mutant Cats DAO

The Mutant Cats are the first fully decentralized and community led DAO. A collection of 10,000 infected Cats that live on the Ethereum blockchain.