Mutant Cats DAO

Mutant Cats DAO
5 min readSep 22, 2022

New Art

We are very excited to present to you something that has been in the works for a few months now. When we took full control over our project, the community voted to revamp our art. There were a few reasons why we voted for this. The main reason being we didn’t technically own the intellectual property (IP) for the art. We also would have a claim that we did own the IP of the art. At best it was a gray area. We did not want there to be any chance of legal issues in the future. The DAO controls the Mutant Cats contract; but the actual JPEG art was created by the old development team artist. As stated before, under the eyes of the law it would be a gray area. With that being a possibility we decided to pursue creating/ revamping our art which is attached to the contract. We wanted the DAO to be directly involved with this process but most importantly wanted to own 100% of our IP.

The process for revamping our art started back months ago. We worked with several different artists/ studios. Most could not fulfill the timetable that we were looking for and some did not fulfill the quality that we were looking for. We then stumbled upon Lenshift and began working with them. During this whole process, we had a #train-ideas channel open on discord for the community. Community members could add their input throughout this entire process. All the way from the base model cat to the traits. This is the really cool part about being a part of a DAO. You have part ownership of this project. Your voice matters. Those who spoke up and contributed will see their ideas come to life and be immortalized on the Ethereum blockchain. How many projects do you know of where the community contributed to the actual art that they bought? From our understanding, few or none. A big S/O to EVERYBODY who contributed and gave their ideas, we thank you.

We would like to raise the proverbial curtain on this whole process. As stated above, it started with finding the correct artist/ studio. Then, we were able to develop the base models for the Cats. From there, with community input, we developed more than enough traits. The next step was quite tedious. Each trait had to be manually fitted to make sure everything looked proportionate. Some traits looked great on certain cats and not so great on others. Once EVERY trait was looked at and the quality was up to our standards, the next step was assigning rarity. Your Cat rarity will be 100% proportionate to our original art. Your current Cats rarity will translate perfectly to our new art when the metadata is finished. It was important to us that we were able to honor the rarity scores that were assigned to each NFT. The final step (the metadata) is being worked on as we speak and should be released sooner than you think!

As a holder, you will not have to do anything! When our developers finish the metadata, they will edit the current contract and replace all of the current JPEGs with the updated ones. We recommend you take a screenshot of your current cat so you do not forget the OG artwork. Once the developers input the new image, your current Mutant Cat will update. The main reason we decided to release the new art through this avenue is because we would have lost all of our volume traded on OpenSea and any other platform with a new contract. We had to use the current contract and edit it rather than creating a new one. Although it would have been cool

to be able to keep both cats. The overall consequence of losing our trading volume would question the credibility of our project to future holders.

Last but not least, we have a surprise for current holders! Hop onto discord, post your cat on #art-reveal channel and we will give you a sneak peak of what your new cat will look like! We will be in communication with the community when the release is set to be. We do not want to put a set date on the release but I think it will be sooner than you think. This is another huge step for our DAO. We will own 100% of our project; including the art. There will be no question who owns the IP to the art. There will be no possible legal issues that could manifest now. All of the loose ends are tied and we are ready to keep marching forward as a community. Below are some sneak peaks of some new and improved Cats.

Thank you so much for your patience throughout this process. We are very excited for the future of the Mutant Cats DAO and we hope you are too!



Mutant Cats DAO

The Mutant Cats are the first fully decentralized and community led DAO. A collection of 10,000 infected Cats that live on the Ethereum blockchain.