Mutant Cats Newsletter

Mutant Cats DAO
7 min readJul 20, 2022

Edition 16

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Mutant Cats Newsletter! We have a lot to update you on this week. Thank you for your support and for spending your time here today. Let’s get into it!

The Future

This past week an important message was shared throughout our community discord. It has to do with the future outlook of our project. We are a 100% community owned, community led NFT DAO. This is a new frontier within Web3, and with all new things it comes with challenges and growing pains that we continue to work through. If you have been here from the beginning you know that our community is who got us here.

A Message from the Cat Board

As the Cat Board finalizes the incorporation process and continues down the path of legal legitimacy, we have been spending a lot of time discussing what exactly our DAO is and what our place in the Web3 world should be. We recently had the privilege of meeting in person for the first time at NFT NYC and we put in many hours discussing just this, not only amongst ourselves, but with many other highly influential web3 veterans we had the luxury of meeting at the event. Our take away from this experience was that it is time to clearly define what the Mutant Cats DAO actually is. To start the discussion we are proposing a mission statement for the DAO. This of course will always be evolving as we evolve as a DAO and as a business. But this would be our starting point here and now. This will help direct how we spend our time and DAO resources in regards to shaping the project moving forward. We look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts in chat and once we’ve reviewed the community feedback we will revise the statement accordingly and then put it up for a vote!

Mutant Cats DAO Mission Statement

MutantCats (“MC”) is a collection of 9,999 NFTs born on the Ethereum blockchain. Each MutantCat NFT is a governance token in the MutantCats DAO, a community owned and operated Web3 Organization. Utilizing on-chain governance all major decisions related to the DAO’s assets and operations are voted on by the community. One cat = One vote. The DAO has secured long-term funding for our initiatives through a healthy and diversified treasury managed and protected by a fully doxxed Board and Mutlisigner team that has been voted in by the community. In order to legitimize operations the DAO has created a legal corporate entity in BVI. This allows the DAO to enter into proper business engagements with vendors, partners and other 3rd parties.

The DAO’s objective is to grow the MC brand and create value for each token holder through three distinct approaches: 1. By establishing a community-driven entertainment brand that bridges real life and the Web3 world through rich and expansive IP creation. 2. By creating long-term partnerships with real-life event organizers, gaming companies and Web3 companies. 3. By strategically investing DAO funds into high growth potential digital assets. The MutantCat tokens are at the heart of everything we do. So join us for the ride and be part of NFT history

Please remember to share your feedback with the team, this will be a living mission statement as we progress through Web3. Remember we are a DAO, speak up, ask questions and be kind to each other.

DAO Updates

Officially Incorporated

It has been several months in the waiting but finally, our LLC has been approved by the British Virgin Islands! This was one of the first steps our DAO took when we gained our Independence back in December 2021. With regulation looming, the Cat Board wanted to set up the Mutant Cats DAO to be an official LLC and be compliant with all present and future regulations. Once documentation is received the team will plan to go in person to the British Virgin Islands and set up all of our accounts.

The Cat Board said “We will have no qualms to travel the globe to the islands to see it in person and open the DAO bank account face to face making sure everything is perfect. We don’t take this lightly.”

Thank you to the team for executing this monumental step for the legitimacy of the DAO. More updates are soon to follow.

New Art

Base models for “The Rebirth”

New leaks have continued to pour out of discord over the past few weeks. As you may or may not know, the DAO decided a while back to revamp our Mutant Cat art. We made this decision because we wanted 100% copyright ownership over our art. More importantly we wanted each holder to own the rights to their Mutant Cat NFT art and be able to monetize that if they wish to do so. That is the beauty of NFT’s, you don’t just own a jpeg. The previous artist who was a part of the previous/ anonymous development team is the one who created the art. The last thing we want as a project is for something to go wrong in the future in regards to copyrights of the art and any monetization that comes from our brand. With that said, here are a few updates on the new art! All base cats for our new collection update have been finalized and now we’re creating traits. Make sure to drop by #traits-ideas on discord and give your two cents.

Sandbox Buildout

Latest look at the Mutant Cats Sandbox Land

For those who do not know, the Mutant Cats purchased a 6x6 plot of land within the Sandbox Metaverse. We hired Tempest Studios to build a Cat Hub on our plot for our holders. Our Sandbox buildout has been in works for a few months now and Tempest has released the latest screenshots! Join us this Friday, July 22nd 8am EST for an exclusive LIVE stream to showcase what they have been working on! We recommend you attend…. there might be a game with a surprise waiting for ya!

Below are latest screenshots from Tempest Studios Sandbox Buildout:

Fish Raffle Update

Thank you everybody for your patience. I apologize for the delay, we thought we could have all of the technological aspects of the raffle completed by now. Nifty is still working out a few things. All raffle items have been purchased though! A website has been set up and you can take a look at the prizes live as we speak.

Minor Updates

NFT London

The Mutant Cats have officially been invited back to the next NFT conference which will be located in London! NFT London is a 2-day conference, kicking off on Thursday November 2nd. The Cat Board is already in the process for planning that event. Below is a picture of NFT NYC, along with another cool little goodie.

Mutant Cats Booth at NFT NYC 2022

Discord Celebrations — One of the best parts of the NFT space are the communities that you get to be a part of. Our moderators planned two recent community events. The first being poker night, and the second being trivia night! We will continue to do these more often, stop by discord and participate. The more people we have participate the more we can host these events.


Ask me anything (AMA) is a format of communicating to the community. It is a fun and personable way of hosting a Q&A. Our team has been extremely gracious with their time during these AMAs. It is a great way to get to know the team and ask any questions you may have! Join us Sunday’s 12pm EST.

Reminders for this week

Tempest Sandbox Buildout Live Walkthrough — Friday, July 22nd 8am EST

AMA on Discord — Sunday, July 24th 12pm EST

Take care everybody! Hope to see you for the upcoming events this week!




Mutant Cats DAO

The Mutant Cats are the first fully decentralized and community led DAO. A collection of 10,000 infected Cats that live on the Ethereum blockchain.