1 min readAug 4, 2016


Well said Sheriff.

I totally agree with 1, 2 and 4. 5, I will rephrase.

Rather than being more aggressive, I suggest Konga becomes more strategic. There is a large untapped base. How exactly can that base be reached? What do they need? When is the best time? Who are the best minds/foot soldiers to get to these base? These are questions that should be answered.

As for eliminating commissions, I will say a big NO to that. Konga is a business. As much as we know the market is still young, we need to also consider the length of investment of investors. Asides promise, show some numbers. The commissions are a reasonable revenue source at the moment. The focus should be on “Point 4”. The system needs to be more efficient. Efficiency here will result to more sales which is directly proportional to more commissions. More technology solutions to optimise current processes for buyers and sellers.

Just like you, I am a big Konga fan and we need to contribute in whatever way to continue growing the brand and the industry generally. We have not even scratched the surface.

