Michael Walton
2 min readDec 13, 2022


Older adults who talk to themselves.

Crazy Old Man

It is common sometimes to hear an older adult speaking without a partner, that is, speaking alone.

We immediately conclude that he is senile, crazy, or that he is probably talking with an imaginary friend, or with a ghost that is waiting for the moment to take him to the other world… the world of the dead.

It is possible that on many occasions there is some truth in these appreciations, however, this is not always the case.

Most of the time I say this from my own experience as an older adult, it is the loneliness and silence to which the elderly are subjected.

The old, elderly, or older adult is usually ignored by their children and even more so if they are teenagers, who have not learned to understand that that old man with gray hair is an excellent source of knowledge and experience, who needs and should be listened to so as not to have to repeat what the old man has lived.

That is why many elderly people, not because they are crazy, just to avoid going crazy, make their soliloquies, and lucubrations that they project out loud to the wall, to the void, and to themselves, so as not to feel alone and ignored by those who live around them.

It is true that the elderly can be uncomfortable repeating their stories, but let’s remember that when you were little, they answered your own questions several times already answered.

In some countries, the elderly die waiting for their pension, which many begin to pay after having been approved at 63 or 65 years of work and contributions.

In countries like mine, if you were not working after the age of 40… forget that you are going to get a job. We despise the trajectory and experience of the older man or woman.

Emiliano Carrillo
Michael Walton

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Michael Walton

Journalist, researcher and social objective analyst