What is IoT and how will it Change the World?

4 min readSep 24, 2017


If you’ve seen Iron Man, you’ve probably been jealous of Tony Stark. Everything he owns works seamlessly together to make his life effortless. “Internet of Things (IoT)” has been a massive topic of conversation lately and for good reason. IoT has already been shaping the way we live, the decisions we make, and the way we transact and interact with each other. What exactly is meant by IoT? Just how will it continue to change our world? What can we do to prepare for this inevitable shift in our economy and perhaps profit personally as well?

IoT is a network of physical objects that are connected to the internet allowing them to send, receive and exchange data. The more data the objects receive, the more accurately it will be able to predict future trends and save you time, effort and money. On a personal level, there will probably come a day in the near future where your alarm clock will wake you up 10 minutes early because it knows that there’s unusual traffic on the road to work and it knows how long it takes for you to get ready. Your coffee machine will start 10 minutes early as well and the shower will automatically start and be warm. This sounds cool, but you’re probably thinking that this won’t make that large of an impact on your daily life.

Let’s think bigger. How will IoT save the world time, effort and money? The largest of companies, including Google, Cisco, IBM, GE and Apple, are constantly working on making world-altering ideas possible. IoT will create sustainable energy systems, save the earth’s resources, optimize travel, create efficient cities, and save lives. No wonder the IoT industry is said to be the next $10 trillion industry. It also explains why multinational companies are racing to be industry leaders in this space.

Is there a way that you can benefit financially from the IoT industry as well? Until recently, it seemed like another financial shift that made large companies rich and the end user unable to get in on the rewards. The beauty of MyBit is that it gives power back to people.

With the MyBit platform, anyone can invest or raise capital peer to peer without the need of investment firms or banks. There are endless use cases for this, but decentralized energy is one of MyBit’s first target markets. To accelerate adoption of the decentralized energy grid, landowners can crowdfund ownership of solar panels. In return, investors receive profit sharing from feed-in tariffs and excess energy produced and sold back to the grid. Through the platform, we can create mutually beneficial relationships without massive fees and an unnecessary amount of paperwork. The relationship will be managed by an Ethereum smart contract that will automatically pay out based on usage and payment data from the hardware itself gathered by an oracle. That is where IoT devices will come in handy when carrying out these contracts.

Thanks to the MyBit platform, we can position ourselves, as investors, to get paid from the development of the IoT economy. At the same time, investors can help further the advancement of fellow humans around the world. With the Internet of Things inevitably making its way into every aspect of our lives, we no longer have to be jealous of Tony Stark. Thanks to MyBit, we can live like Iron Man and create wealth for ourselves in the process. However, we will have to make due without the iron suit, for now. Here’s to the bright future of humanity and the greener future of our world.

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MyBit enables the rapid building, testing, and deployment of wealth management applications on the Ethereum Blockchain.