MyBrainSolutions Helps Addiction Customer Avoid Jail and Take Back His Life

3 min readMay 31, 2016


Gail Echeverria, Clinical Director at Broadway Treatment Center

A Customer Success Story:

My name is Gail Echeverria I am the Clinical Director of Chemical Dependency services at Broadway Treatment Center of Huntington Beach CA. Our company’s relationship with MyBrainSolutions began in early 2015. At first we tested My Brain Solutions (MBS) with our recovery staff, using the software, then began with our treatment population soon after. The results were amazing out of the gate. True story: a young man from the East Coast had legal issues and was looking at spending time in jail for drug related offenses. He participated in a 90-day program with Broadway and during his time with us he completed all aspects of his treatment successfully. One aspect included 3 sessions of the MyBrainSolutions software to gauge his progress and cognitive rehabilitation from addiction.

He was tested in 30-day increments. His first score was 2.7, second score was 7.5, and finally at his 90 day mark in treatment he obtained an 8.6. That means that he made huge leaps of progress in his interest and ability to stay sober. The goal for “Neuropsychological Testing” to “Establish an objective and valid baseline for monitoring progress, uncover brain behavior patterns and relationships likely to impact recovery and the transition back into conventional life, assessment of adaptive functioning, treatment planning; cognitive rehabilitation complimenting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or other psychosocial interventions.” (taken from page 3 of the pp handout from MBA 2/13/2015). The reports are basically 15 pages of explanation to show measures for success and longevity in sobriety.

He presented these reports to court along with a letter of completion for his 90 days in treatment. The areas of focus were “Measuring Brain Health Performance” and “Clinical Predicators in Addiction” which are factors that predicted higher rates of relapse and factors that predicted higher attrition. I love the fact that we were able to apply this technology to the treatment planning process such as clinical insights for addiction, individual strengths and weaknesses and a table for treatment considerations with recommended exercises. (taken from page 4 of the pp handout from MBA 2/13/2015).

The information provided to the computer software comes directly from the participant. There is no coaching or advising on how to answer the questions. The test are also done by the same participant and each time the answers show progress or lack thereof.

This young man was allowed to stay out of jail, go back to college and restart his life. He is now sober over 1 year, completed his education and is gainfully employed working in the industry of addiction.

I am grateful for this tool of measurement that has been a product of changing the course of someone’s life who otherwise may have not been able to turn it around and become who he is meant to be. Addiction is a thief of life and goals. Too many of our young become old addicts with mountains of wreckage from years of using, stealing, lying and repeated episodes of jail or treatment. The same year we began using MyBrainSolutions I said out loud, “something has to change we cannot provide the same treatment over and over, year after year and not see better outcomes.”

I can happily say this is a tool that I am motivated to use in assisting people in making changes that can be measured and recorded from the start of their treatment to the end. I advocate that anyone even remotely interested should give it a try in their program of addiction treatment.

Gail Echeverria, LAADC

Broadway Treatment Center, Huntington Beach, CA




Science-based #brain #health solutions and software to assess, train and monitor your brain for optimal wellbeing and productivity.