What is Soul Energy & How do you heal it?

My Enso Journey
11 min readFeb 25, 2023


My apologies, I wanted to post this on the 14th, but circumstances for other reasons said Not Today (a detour for another event was needed & in addition to that being set up for me, my Soul still needed me to see something before I came here with the knowledge I have to share with you)


Today, I’m going to speak with you about Soul Energy.

Soul Energy has been subtly showing up in the stories about Honeybee & her Chihuahua.

It was Soul Energy that ripped back the veil to take a peek in ‘He Came to Explain’, longing to reach out and just grab hold of Chihuahua and never let him go.

Honeybee missed her twin so much, but neither knew themselves at the time.

Do you know what Soul Energy is? Do you know the role this Energy plays in your life? Your everyday errands and lifestyle, your choices, your decisions, and especially your dreams and longings (and your nightmares) that no one else seems to know about? The secret you within.

Today, on this celebrated Heart Day, we are taking the opportunity to learn together about Soul Energy, and how to heal your Soul Energy.

As always, if you have a comment, a question, or a discussion in your Heart…. leave me a comment and I will be back with you shortly. For now, let’s take a journey…. of the Heart…follow me down the rabbit hole will ya?

Soul Energy

This Energy is called many things. Other names you may call your Soul Energy are: Spirit, Essence, Psyche, Vital Force, Animating Principle, Chi, Prana, Shadow, Divine Feminine/Masculine, Love, Self and a slew of other words.

Personally, I call my Soul Energy….My Goddess.

Before we can define Soul Energy, we need to take a look at the definition of soul, the very source from which this energy comes from.


Soul is defined as “the non-physical or immaterial part of a person, which is the seat of emotions and character” “It is the non-physical part of a person regarded as their true self’’ “and capable of surviving physical death or separation, therefore immortal”..

Sathya Sai Baba describes the soul as:

“The body is made up of five elements and is bound to perish sooner or later; but the Indweller has neither birth nor death. The Indweller has no attachment whatsoever and is the eternal witness. Truly speaking, the Indweller who is in the form of the atma (soul) is verily God Himself.” — Sathya Sai Baba (SSS 37.1: January 1, 2004)

Your Soul Energy is the Universal Life Force, the energy within you of the Divine, your Inner Goddess/God. The energy that your ability to ‘life’ comes from, what ‘powers’ your body, your ‘flesh’, your ‘vessel’.

When a baby is being formed inside the body of the Mother, which forms first? The brain? Or the Heart? The Heart

The Heart

The Heart is the home of the Soul. The Soul is what is to come into the baby growing and forming within the Mother and give life (animation) to the body, the baby is the body for the Soul to animate into.

The Heart is where you live from, everyday, within…so shouldn’t it be simple to radiate from the place we live? To radiate Love? Yes….it should. Then why can’t we, or why don’t we?

We, as a society, can’t radiate from the place of Love, the Heart, because a good majority of us were never taught one crucial aspect in life…we were never taught to Love our Selves.

Before anyone starts pointing fingers at the parents (biological or not) at this moment, I want to ask you to keep something in mind.

How were you supposed to be taught something your parents were never taught themselves? How were they supposed to pass anything onto you that they themselves did not hold within?

If you are one of the fortunate, to still have a parent in this life with you, then please…show them the love they were never shown. Please help them to learn to love the one within them, let them know how much you love them everyday, parents need to hear this from you. Parents need to know you love them….and don’t forget to let your Self know that as well.

Let me add as well, I am not one of those that feel everyone should keep contact at all times with the parent figure in their life. I fully understand that for some, it is best to be ‘no contact’ with the parent figure(s), but if you are one of these people, please know this — only you can make that decision — no one else. I respect your decision. Only you know the reason, the experience of truth within you, for that decision to be made. Namaste 🌼☀️🌀

Please also allow me to give my best attempt to explain something else, something I wish I would have known before now: There are people in this world, that no matter how much you try, how much you put your Self out there to them, no matter how much Love you put into action to show them that they are worthy of receiving love…and you do your best to give them your love every day…

They will never reciprocate your love.

They will never re-fill the cup from which you are so selflessly pouring, to give them the love they need.

If you are filling a cup of a person such as this, please understand…unless your cup is being refilled by love, it will run out, your cup will become dry. You can not fill someone else’s cup from an empty cup. Please, do not give so much of your Self to someone that does not see you, that will never see you, that will only keep taking your Soul Energy, your Love, until there is nothing left of you to give.

If you continue to fill their cup, from an empty cup of your own…you are depleting so much of your Self and before you know it, there’s no Self left to give…your Inner Light has been taken from you by someone that never had the intention of refilling your cup. People do exist that are like this. Please understand when it is time to walk away, but also please know this….you tried. You gave all you could give. You did not fail in giving love. You cannot make them love you…

Sathya Sai Baba describes spiritual energy like this:

Cosmic energy works in every person in the form of divine knowledge. Matter in all forms is only energy.” Energy springs from the structure of the atomic constituents. For example, if you take water from the ocean in a vessel, it assumes its shape, and when breezes blow there are ripples on it, which manifests energy proportionate to the quantity of water in the vessel. But when the whirlwind rages over the ocean, the big waves can sink ships and pulverize cliffs. Scientists work only on the external source of energy, they do not investigate the internal sources. You go millions of miles into space, but you do not go half-an-inch within, where lies your strength, the Atma Shakti (force or power of the Universal Soul).” — Sathya Sai Baba (SSS 14.54: September 21, 1980)

Soul Energy has a close affiliation with your emotions and plays a large part in dictating your emotions, your state of well-being and also your mental (or mind) energy. It is the most subtle type of energy. If you are one that is ‘controlled by your emotions’, those uncontrollable emotions are pouring out from within you. It’s your soul screaming out to you that healing needs to take place. Your soul is trying to say, ‘I need you’.

My emotions used to be the ruler of my Self. My emotions dictated my every single second of every day of my life. And, personally, I couldn’t stand that about my Self. I didn’t understand the ‘why’ behind it all. My anger emotion is what I consider a whole new entity that, in the past, would take over if the wind switched directions on me and I wasn’t prepared for it. I call this entity ‘Rage’. It was only after I sat with Rage, to understand what made Rage do the things he did, and what he ate and lived on, what fueled him per say (I see my Rage as a masculine energy, that is the way it shows up to me) & how to change the diet Rage was being fed, did I begin to see how to help Rage be who he wanted to be. Rage was a big part of my shadow, a huge side of me I tried to keep hidden….but yeah, that didn’t work out too well due to the short fuse that Rage had….and the box of matches he carried on himself to light that fuse… himself.

Where did Rage come from? Rage was mainly born from a place of having to conceal my emotions as a child. I was not allowed to show my anger, I was not allowed to express it in order to learn how to process it as a child. As I became older, I had this emotion that I did not know what to do with. I was ridiculed whenever this emotion presented itself. I was taught that Rage was wrong. I was taught that Rage was not loveable. I was taught that part of me didn’t deserve love. I was taught Rage was not wanted, he was not allowed to be…at all. Due to this, I kept suppressing this emotion, this feeling, anytime it came to be. Eventually, Rage consumed all of my Shadow. Rage became my Shadow. Therefore, any emotion that surfaced….Rage took it over and turned it into an uncontrollable anger. What happened from years of doing this?….Rage became Me.

I was a walking, talking, ticking time bomb….of uncontrollable, unrelinquishing….


Soul Energy is seen as a sparkle in someone’s eye or an emotion when they are talking about something which inspires or brings happiness to them, it’s their passion about a subject. Where does passion reside? In the Heart….

The Heart is where your Soul Energy shows up, it’s where your Soul Energy resides.If your emotional energy is feeling depleted, this is where it will show up for you. A few ways to keep your energy from being depleted is to embrace Self-love, Self-compassion and know and appreciate your worth. Do your best not to speak to your Self in a negative tone, try to use loving words, positive words…your Soul is beautiful, and your Soul needs to be reminded of that fact every day. Your Soul, your Self, you need to know you are Loved…every single day. Who is best to show you the Love you deserve? Who knows you best to know exactly what your Love language is? Your Self, you….you must love your Self daily, so your Self doesn’t forget that you are Love and you deserve your Love more than anyone in this world.

My purpose here today with this space I share with you all is…

To do my best to help others, even if it is only one person, to understand the why behind who they are, and to help people heal the one within, heal the You that just wants your love.

From this blog post forward, I will be mixing my personal experience, my life — my truth, with information that I’ve learned and what helped me to heal my Self. Am I totally healed and think I’m good in that area? No…but I can honestly say this about my Self…I have come a long way in the time that I’ve allowed my Self to be shown what it takes to be who I was meant to be, who I wanted to be….instead of the neurotic mess I was.

What is a neurotic mess? Something I fought hard to overcome within myself.

What Is Neurotic Behavior?

According to a Google search: A dictionary description of Neurotic (neu·rot·ic, /no͝oˈrädik/) adjective: neurotic; having, caused by, or relating to neurosis.

Similar: mentally ill, mentally disturbed, mentally deranged, unstable, unbalanced, maladjusted, psychoneurotic, psychopathic, phobic

In nontechnical use: abnormally sensitive, obsessive, or anxious.
“everyone was neurotic about burglars”

Similar: Overanxious, anxious, nervous, tense, highly strung, jumpy, oversensitive, paranoid, obsessive, compulsive, phobic, fixated, hysterical, overwrought, manic, irrational, nervy, twitchy, stressy

a neurotic person: “I wasn’t going to be labeled as a hypochondriac or neurotic”

Here’s an article about Neurotic behavior for those who would like to know more: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/neurotic-behavior-overview


It all starts within ourselves, with our Self Love. Only we can allow any change to ever happen, only we can allow others to treat us in the way they do. The decision lies within us.

No, we cannot change others, but we can show them how we are going to allow them to treat us.

You have that choice, take that power back from others and take ownership of your power.

Am I saying everyday of your life is going to be positive, with rainbows and unicorns? No, although that would be epic, but that would be very irresponsible of me to tell you that.

Life is about balance, that Yin/Yang energy.

An article for those who would like to read more about yin/yang energy


If we never have any shades of darkness…. how are we supposed to appreciate the light? We wouldn’t be able to, we wouldn’t know how wonderful the light is without the dark, and honestly…..sometimes the darkness is more beautiful.

The darkness offers solitude, where we only have our Self and no one else. It is during those times when we have the opportunity the most, to go within and get to know our Soul, our Self, our Inner…. and look at the Shadow that is causing the darkness, and take the Shadow by the hand and help your Shadow, your you that you keep hidden from the world, the you behind the mask you wear, help your Self come to the light.

Understand your Shadow, understand your Inner You that you keep in the dark, in the Shadows…. and show your Self: even the you that you hide from the world, the you that everyone shunned & rejected, that You deserve love and understanding, You must remember and understand your Shadow is you, the you that you were taught is not accepted and not loved. The Shadow is what makes us who we are.

How do we heal our Soul Energy?

Through love

…..love of the Self, and also through understanding and a huge dose of acceptance.

Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being and it has the power to pull you out of even the deepest of the darkness. If you can attune your Heart to Love, your energy will soar to the highest of altitudes. Your Soul will be set free so it can spread it’s wings and fly once more, like it yearns to do. Through your love for your Shadow, your Soul…. your Self…you can heal all that is within, all the hurt & pain that your Shadow is forced to hold on to.

Am I suggesting that it’s as easy as reading the words I type? No, I would never lie to you about a thing as serious as Healing your Soul. I will suggest this…. it is the most exhilarating act of Love you can ever show your Self. The one thing in life that only You can do, for your Self. The one thing that You rely ‘soully’ on You to get done.

I’m going to leave you with the message and information I’ve given you so far, to ponder on life. I’m right here if anyone wants to open a conversation, of any type, with me. All I ask is for all to be respectful of each other, my Self, and especially…. Your Self.

With much love, from my soul to your soul, Namaste



My Enso Journey

I'm....Me - I'm a traveler of adventures of discovery, understanding, forgiveness, acceptance, self realization, knowlege and truth. My guide is My Goddess 💜.