Menopause cold flashes: Yes, that’s a thing

2 min readJul 12, 2017


Cold flashes? You’ve heard of hot flashes, maybe even experienced the sudden flaring of intense heat that starts in your chest and rushes up into your face.

But were you aware that hormone changes can also cause cold flashes?


If you’re suddenly chilled and shivering, even in a warm room, you may be experiencing a cold flash.

What causes cold flashes in menopause?

Much like hot flashes, cold flashes are likely caused by hormone havoc in your head. As estrogen levels drop, the hypothalamus — the part of your brain responsible for regulating your body temperature — gets overactive, releasing chemicals that alert your body it’s overheating. The body sheds heat, whether you want it to or not, and voilà! Cold flash. Cue the hot chocolate.

Although they’re rarer than the typical hot flash up to 80% of women will experience, cold flashes are no less disruptive, especially at night.

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What can be done about cold flashes?

As usual, we recommend making some lifestyle changes first, before turning to outside intervention. Often, our dietary, exercise, and behavioral choices can mean the difference between comfort and chaos.

  1. Reduce stress and anxiety. Personally, I love it when people tell me to calm down. It’s just so effective and helpful. </sarcasm> But honestly, calm down. Anxiety can cause cold flashes or make them worse. And since women in perimenopause and menopause are more prone to anxiety, between an overactive hypothalamus and a hyper-alert central nervous system, women can spend an awful lot of time just trying to be comfortable. Deep breathing exercises and meditation can help calm you and reduce the severity and duration of all kinds of flashes.
  2. Avoid the usual triggers. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, nicotine all can trigger hot and cold flashes or make them worse.

Get the rest of the tips and read the rest of this post on our website.

This article first appeared on Gennev, the digital health care solution for women in midlife and menopause, July 7, 2017.




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