Passport Bros Love in Foreign Women What They Hate in American Women

Materialism and sexual promiscuity are only bad when American women do them.

My Lovely Suque
3 min readJan 26, 2023
A screengrub from Auston Holleman’s live Tik Tok where he complains Brazilian “feminists” not allowing him to do his Sex Tourism in peace

Auston Holleman is a self-described “Passport Bro” who travels around the world to hook up with foreign women.

I was watching one of his videos.

In the video, Auston asks a Brazilian woman if she would give him oral sex on the first date.

She says yes.

Auston says

“That is all I want to hear”

Then he turns to the camera and exclaims,

“Get your passport!”

Hearing him say that I went “huh?”.

Passport Boys are always screaming that the Western society has become sexually loose. They have been saying that sexual looseness is one reason they were going to other nations: to find women who have “traditional” views of sex and marriage. What is so traditional about giving a man oral sex the first day you met him?

So, it looks like Passport Bros `only rail against sexual “looseness” when it is American women doing it. When it is Brazilian women with “low” sexual morality, it is not only not despicable, it is actually something to praise and elevate.



My Lovely Suque

I write about race issues. I welcome all constructive criticism of my writing.