Peace Corps Asks Black Volunteers to Give Grace to Racists

My Lovely Suque
3 min readApr 3, 2022

Peace Corps released a statement justifying rampant anti-Black racism in Ukraine and asking its Black American volunteers to extend grace and understanding to racists calling them N**ger and comparing them to monkeys.

The statement is so ridiculously bad that a lot of people thought it was an April Fool joke.

For instance, the Peace Corp says some Ukrainians call Black people monkeys and throw the N-word at them because they have never met a Black person before and don’t know these terms are racist. How does that make sense? These Ukrainians have never met Black people, but the terms they use for us are the exact same ones that racists who know us and live close to us use? Why are they calling Black people animals? Do they call other people they never met before monkeys as well?

The statement also says sometimes calling you the N-word is not really racist because the “intent” may not be racist. In what “intent” and context is a white person calling a Black person the N-word not racist? This is an American GOVERNMENT group saying sometimes calling Black people n**ger is not racist. Just think about that for a minute. Our own government is out excusing racism against American CITIZENS by foreigners.



My Lovely Suque

I write about race issues. I welcome all constructive criticism of my writing.