Strange Encounters of 1989: Unexplained Humanoid Sightings and Alien Abductions

Stories of humanoid encounters from 1989 include reports of abduction, telepathy, and unexplained phenomena in Russia and other locations.

Mysterious Worlds
7 min readAug 28, 2024

Albert S. Rosales is an American ufologist convinced that the most crucial chapter in the study of the UFO phenomenon is the one that refers to meetings of people with non-terrestrial entities that look similar to humans, entities that have been called “humanoids.”

According to his declarations, he has, until now, in his files, more than 10,000 cases collected from all over the globe, many known, others less so. These encounters were called by J. Allen Hynek “degree III.” Still, they also include those of “degree IV,” that is, UFO abductions, as well as some in which no UFO appears. Meetings of this type have multiplied since the seventies. They seemed to stagnate in the eighties, but they “exploded” in 1988 and 1989, so nowadays, they are reported regularly worldwide.

At the end of 2012, Rosales published a consistent article entitled The Fall of the Iron Curtain and the Return of the Humanoids, devoted to the fact that in 1989, when in the territory of the former USSR, it was again allowed to discuss the extraterrestrial presence on Earth possibly, there have been many reports of encounters with humanoids. Rosales says that in his files, for 1989, he had over 500 encounters with humanoids; in 1990, over 600, and in both cases, more than half came from the former USSR.

We’ll mention a few cases from 1989 that are interesting both for illustrating the phenomenon in general and for the particular specifics of the ex-Soviet space. Rosales warns, “I don’t believe in any of these histories, but I think these histories need to be told.”

The first case happened one night, on an unspecified date in 1989, near Aktash in the Altai region, on the Russian-Chinese border. According to the account of retired Major IA Samoilenko, a border guard, they disappeared from the post during the night. The immediately organized searches were in vain, but three days later, the missing person was found five kilometers away. He was terrified, physically exhausted, and unable to explain what he had gone through.

After a period of therapy and recovery, supervised by the military police, the border guard remembered that while he was on duty, he saw an explosion of light that blinded him, after which he lost consciousness. When he recovered, he saw himself in a room whose walls emitted a uniform blue light without a visible source. Suddenly, a voice came from no one knows where, which seemed to be a woman’s or a child’s, greeted him, warned him that he would be taken on a very long journey, and told him that he could be chosen for a mission that would do him honor, namely to help a civilization in the constellation Gemini, similar in many respects to the one on Earth.

Then, the soldier lost consciousness again. He vaguely remembered seeing several “faceless” humanoid figures bent over him and examining him. During this “medical investigation,” he felt some unbearable pain, after which he had a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy as if he had been drugged. Then, the soldier lost consciousness again. He vaguely remembered seeing several “faceless” humanoid figures bent over him and examining him. During this “medical investigation,” he felt some unbearable pain, after which he had a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy as if he had been drugged.

Then, the soldier lost consciousness again. He vaguely remembered seeing several “faceless” humanoid figures bent over him and examining him. During this “medical investigation,” he felt some unbearable pain, after which he had a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy as if he had been drugged.

Faceless humanoid figures

The soldier was also examined in a local military hospital and was declared mentally or psychologically unstable. After a month and a half, the unfortunate man died from a disease with rapid evolution, exhibiting symptoms similar to exposure to a hefty dose of radiation.

Another strange case occurred on an unspecified date in 1989 in Ryabinsk, Yaroslavl region. Several unexplained phenomena happened in the witness’s house, named Tamara: metal objects disappeared inexplicably, knocks of unknown origin were heard, and she and her guests felt the presence of giant beings. One night, Tamara saw a small star-shaped object flying in the middle of the room.

Although initially scared, she suddenly felt a strange feeling of peace and anticipation of a pleasant event. A few days later, she saw the same star again, flying about half a meter above the ground and stopping near the entrance door. Then, a small TV screen appeared, displaying unknown symbols and black geometric figures on both sides: triangles, squares, circles, etc. After that, several faces appeared on the screen: a man with perfect features but unnatural peach-like skin and a silver cap stuck to his crest, who looked at Tamara with an understanding and benevolent look.

Two other girls were visible above him. One was blue and was looking intensely at Tamara. The third girl, seemingly more unpleasant, had Asian features, but her eyes were round and black without any white. The witness got the impression that she could be a biorobot. A telepathic conversation followed, especially with the second girl, from which she only remembered that she told these apparitions: “I want to be healed, and if that happens, I will also be able to help others for the rest of my life.” Shortly after, the screen went off and disappeared.

Everything was in order the following day except for the flowers on the windowsill, which seemed scorched. Tamara felt her hands burning, ready to heal those who needed it. Later, she had such contacts with entities that claimed they came from the Orion constellation.


The following case in 1989 was reported near Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region. The border with Poland was guarded by elite border guards affiliated with the KGB. On night patrol, one of the border guards saw a humanoid entity, at least three meters tall, without a neck, dressed entirely in black, coming out of a neighboring forest and approaching. The soldier summoned the apparition, threatening to shoot, but it did not seem to react. A warning fire in the air followed, also without any result. The soldier fired directly at the creature, but the bullets seemed to have no effect, and the apparition continued approaching. Then the soldier, terrified, lost consciousness.

Later, he only remembered seeing a black, cylindrical object in the sky and then an intense light. Investigators who later inspected the site found scattered eleven used Kalashnikov cartridges, an area with crushed grass, and broken tree branches. According to the investigators, the branches seemed broken by something that rose from the ground at high speed. Giant footprints were also found. Other locals have reported orbs of light flying above the trees and strange lights seen from deep in the forest.

Another reported case is also military, involving a secret SS-11 strategic nuclear missile launch base in Kozelsk, in the Kaluga region, south of Moscow. On the night of January 10, 1989, a sentry stood in the observation tower, which was made of brick and 6–8 meters high. A sergeant and another sentry in a neighboring building heard loud knocks from the roof. The sergeant immediately asked the sentry in the observation tower to investigate with the projector what was happening. Still, he did not see anything unusual or hear any noise.

The projector was returned to its usual position, towards the rocket. But again, the loud noise was heard, and the building door, usually blocked, was suddenly pushed aside. In the door stood three humanoid entities, about 1.50 meters tall; one was red, and the other two were white. The sergeant standing further from the door was so scared that he tried to climb the wall to escape through the window. Sitting in the middle of the room, the soldier froze and sometimes turned his head towards the sergeant and the three intruders. At one point, when he turned his gaze back to the door, the three were no longer there, and the door was closed and locked.

The soldiers immediately called the security chief and wrote an official report describing the incident. Over a month later, rumors circulated that a similar case had happened at an anti-aircraft base in Kazakhstan.

One evening, at the end of February 1989, in the city of Rostov-on-Don, Liudmila Iansina was watching TV when she heard the terrified screams of her youngest daughter, who was sleeping in the next room. He found her in a hysterical state. She told her mother that while sleeping, she was suddenly awakened by something touching her.

When he got up, he saw, in the diffused light coming in through the window, right at the end of the bed, a human figure of medium height, dressed in a kind of black diving suit, as if inflated with air, and wearing a helmet in the shape of a balloon, which lets you see its face. She looked like a woman but had long, thin bangs hanging down her nose. When the girl asked who he was, the answer was just a shout. As it continued to emit this strange sound, the apparition rose from the ground, floating in the middle of the bedroom.

Terrified, the girl hid under the blanket, and when the noise stopped, she looked with fear, hoping the intruder had left. But the strange apparition, now illuminated, was still in the room. Crazy, the girl shouted, “Please leave, I’m afraid!”. Then the head of the humanoid disappeared, leaving behind the swollen body, which sometimes moved closer, then drove away, floating in the air. As she screamed louder and louder, the figure moved away and got smaller until it bit her and disappeared.

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