The Dulce Base Incident: The 1979 Clash Between US Forces and Extraterrestrial Beings

The Dulce underground base reportedly housed extraterrestrial beings and was the site of a deadly confrontation in 1979.

Mysterious Worlds
4 min read4 days ago

The purpose of the existence of secret underground or suboceanic bases — in addition to providing the necessary facilities for scientific research and experiments involved in “black projects” — is to shelter a leading elite in case of planetary calamities or cataclysms that could hit the planet, which can be caused either by man’s hand (through a worldwide atomic war), or by natural causes (terrible volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes, the impact of the planet with a giant meteorite, etc.)

What is very surprising is that all over the globe, there are several hundreds of such secret underground bases (according to some data, the number of underground bases exceeds 1500; the vast majority of them are American, but almost every government and especially the governments the great economic powers of the world ordered the construction of at least one such base, sometimes even through collaboration.

The one at Dulce is one of the most “known” underground bases. Located in the American state of New Mexico, it was built near the small town of Dulce…

