Darian Brown
1 min readAug 14, 2015

#1 reason why low carb diets work

There are only two types of diets: low carb or low fat. The people that oppose low carb diets typically have a fast metabolism and benefit from low fat diets. However, most people that go on diets do not have a fast metabolism. So for the average fat individual, what I’m about to tell you is common sense that will blow your mind.

Low carb diets work because 90% of all foods are carbs. By that I mean the common classification of foods by their primary macros: carbs, protein, or fats.

If 90% of all foods are carbs, then it makes perfect sense for most people to get fat because they eat too many carbs. Thus, reducing their carb intake should result in weight loss.

Reducing carb intake usually result in increased protein intake because people have to eat something. This means, eating more lean meats, eggs, fruits, and veggies.

Lean meats, eggs, fruits, and veggies is clearly healthy. They always have been and they always will be. With a diet where you can eat tons of fruits, veggies, lean meats, and eggs, how can you not lose weight?