Simply Stated, We’re Here for You, Helping to Prevent Opioid Abuse

3 min readAug 24, 2019


By: Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, President and CEO, National Association of Chain Drug Stores

I want to invite you to view the National Association of Chain Drug Stores’ 30-second message on one of the vitally important commitments made by pharmacies and pharmacists. That commitment is to serve as part of the solution for the prevention of opioid abuse and addiction, while also caring for those suffering with pain.

NACDS’ Anderson: “It is a lot to say in 30 seconds, but it is worth a try. It is an important message that is backed up by countless moments that matter in communities throughout the nation.”

No doubt, addressing this issue in such a short span of time is not easy. There is so much more to say, because there is so much more being done — by pharmacies and pharmacists, by others in healthcare, by law enforcement, and by many others. Pharmacies also remain committed to pursuing new solutions that become available. However, concise communication often is a prerequisite for the larger conversation — one in which NACDS has been, and will remain, engaged.

When you take in these 30 seconds, we hope they will convey pharmacy’s sincere, personal, and ongoing commitment to remain part of the solution. We hope they also will strike an appreciative tone for the pharmacists who do so much on the front lines of healthcare delivery to address one of the most complex issues facing our society.

Part of the Solution: The “Moment of Truth” and More

After all, there is a moment of truth when a patient walks into the pharmacy to fill an opioid prescription. The pharmacist makes a professional decision as to whether the prescriber wrote the prescription for a legitimate medical purpose, or whether something else is going on. At that moment of truth, two worlds collide: the pharmacist’s commitment to patient care, and the pharmacist’s role as part of the solution to drug abuse and addiction.

The reality is that pharmacies and pharmacists do so much to address this issue, before that moment of truth, during that moment of truth, and afterward. They also serve as working partners to assist in resolving aspects of this issue that do not involve the pharmacy counter at all, such as illegally manufactured and trafficked fentanyl and heroin. The story of pharmacies’ and pharmacists’ engagement involves extensive efforts in the following areas:

· compliance programs;
· drug disposal;
· patient and community education;
· security initiatives;
· fostering naloxone access;
· stopping illegal online drug-sellers and rogue clinics;
· philanthropic programs;
· and more.

Public Policy Recommendations

Based on pharmacists’ experiences, NACDS is advocating for improvements to public policy. Our recommendations involve:

· electronic prescribing;
· drug disposal;
· supply limits for a patient’s first prescription to treat temporary pain, with important exceptions for chronic pain and pain associated with cancer, with other illnesses, and with end-of-life care;
· prescription drug monitoring plans;
· health plan design;
· and pain management.

In distributing this 30-second message, NACDS wants to say simply: pharmacies and pharmacists work hard to be there for their patients and for their communities — to help keep them healthy and safe. We are committed to our continued work together to help prevent opioid abuse and addiction, and to help provide care to those who suffer with pain. We also appreciate the amazing and dedicated pharmacists who serve on the front lines of healthcare delivery every day.

It is a lot to say in 30 seconds, but it is worth a try. It is an important message that is backed up by countless moments that matter in communities throughout the nation.

More information about NACDS’ and pharmacies’ work in the areas of opioid abuse prevention and pain care can be found at




National Association of Chain Drug Stores advocates for pharmacies, the face of neighborhood healthcare.