NavCollab Hackathon & ATM Design Vote

Navio Collective
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2018

The NavCollab site is live and ready to help you get involved in the NavCoin Community Fund. The NavCollab website is like a forum, but with a lot more features. The aim is to make it easy for you to start projects, and get others to help you. Take a moment to read the intro article to see how the NavCollab site works. But if you want to jump straight in, here’s how to get started:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Check out the Directory, and join in a few different Spaces
  3. Create a Space if you have an idea for a project, and let other people know about it!

Upcoming Digital Hackathon

NavCoin Core will be hosting a digital Hackathon to promote the Community Fund and the new NavCollab website. If you want to get involved in this event, start thinking about potential ideas/projects you would like to see in the NavCoin ecosystem. Stay tuned for more details.

NavCoin ATM Design Community Vote

Over the last couple of weeks, community members have been working on designs for the NavCoin ATM, which will be positioned off the foyer of the Core team’s office building. The team will be presenting these designs on our social channels for you to vote on very soon.

Developer News

Community Fund

The Community Fund Proposal Creator tool is ready to go. As we mentioned last week this is a simple form that people without knowledge of console commands can use to generate the console commands needed to create and vote on Community Fund proposals and payment requests. Work on integrating it with the NavPi is currently underway.

The form the tool creates can be embedded into any website — which can be previewed here:

NavHub Website Refresh

Planning has started on ways to make it easier for community members to add their own content to NavHub. Like this is a static site on GitHub, and while it’s already easy for technically minded people to use, the aim is to make it more accessible to people with different skills — whose input is just as important to the long-term development of the NavCoin ecosystem.

Core Content Creators

The Core Content Creators have been generating a lot of new material, mainly in support of the Community Fund and the refreshed website.

With a lot going on, the content team has created this image to share what the focuses are for the next month or so.

Public Relations

A major focus of the Content team over the next few months is Public Relations, specifically building relationships with key influencers in the crypto space. These are people like journalists, social media commenters, and bloggers. We want to make sure they know what’s going on in the NavCoin ecosystem so they can communicate it to their audiences in turn.

Video Shoot

The shoot for the Community Fund and home page video is set for Thursday this week, with a secondary shoot next Tuesday, where the crew will capture B-Roll footage. Once the filming is complete the shots will be edited together along with additional graphics. This process is likely to take a couple of weeks.

With the imminent launch of the Community Fund, the video will help with the promotion of it — primarily via social media. With around 50,000 followers on Twitter, plus thousands more on Reddit and Discord, we hope that we will be able to inspire people to get involved.

A lot of people will be giving up their time for free to appear in these videos, so a big thank you to everyone for your help.

That’s all for this week,

NavCoin Core

