Deborah Ross has Served the Raleigh Community for 25 years, Now She is Ready to Serve in Congress

North Carolina Democrats
2 min readMar 17, 2020

Democratic nominee in the Second Congressional District, Deborah Ross came to North Carolina for an education but says “what I gained was so much more.” She has lived and worked in Raleigh for over 25 years, “a community that cares about our region, our people and our future.”

After attending law school at UNC-Chapel Hill, Ross became a lawyer and civil rights advocate, and since then has fought for fairness, justice and a level playing field for all North Carolinians. As a law professor, she has passed these same values on to her students and helped prepare the next generation to lead our communities into a fairer, more sustainable future.

Her commitment to Justice is told through her work at the American Civil Liberties Union in the 1990s. Alongside then State Senator Roy Cooper, she overhauled North Carolina’s system for dealing with youth offenders. She also addressed racial profiling by successfully encouraging state and local law enforcement o collect race-based statistics for traffic stops.

Ross’s public service started in 2002 when she ran for and won a seat in the N.C. House of Representatives, where she served for more than ten years. During her time in the General Assembly, she served as both Majority and Minority Whip and chaired the Judiciary, Ethics and Election Laws Committees.

As a Representative, she worked to protect voting rights, fund transit and transportation projects, increase access to affordable housing, raise the minimum wage for state employees and fight for equal pay for women.

Ross is tired of the status quo in Washington, and she is tired of the partisan bickering, stalemates, and special interests gaming the system.

“We need someone working for all of us — fighting for fairness, for equality, for progress. I will never lose sight of our priorities and our people,” Ross said.

Her experience as an attorney fighting for justice, and as a representative fighting for our state will give Ross the skills she needs to hit the ground running in Washington and tackle the pocketbook issues North Carolinians care about.

You can learn more about Debroah Ross and her campaign in NC-02 at

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