Kathy Manning has Spent her Life Bringing People Together. Now She Wants to Take Those Skills to Washington.

North Carolina Democrats
3 min readMar 17, 2020

Kathy Manning, Democratic nominee for US House in NC-06, thinks often about her great-grandparents. They came to this country fleeing religious persecution, and worked hard to provide for their families, get a good education for their children, and build a better future for the next generation. Manning’s father worked for Ford Motor Company for 40 years and her mother was a public school teacher. From them, she learned the importance of family, education, perseverance, and the value of giving back to your community.

Manning has spent the last 30 years bringing people together to solve problems in her community. Before starting her own law firm, Manning was a partner at a large firm in Greensboro where she led the firm’s immigration practice, helping organizations navigate the country’s complicated immigration system.

She has also worked extensively in the non-profit sector. She was the first woman to chair The Jewish Federations of North America, an organization whose work includes providing relief to people impacted by natural disasters, war, and economic devastation. In her local community work, Manning led efforts to expand school readiness programs for underprivileged children and make college more affordable for local high school students. During the Great Recession, Manning worked with local nonprofits to provide job retraining, mortgage assistance, food and health care for people who lost their jobs. Understanding the importance of education, Manning has been proud to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees at University of North Carolina at Greensboro and on the Bennett College Re-engineering Committee. She has worked tirelessly on big projects that have already helped revitalize our community in an effort to catalyze economic activity that will result in more good paying jobs in our district.

As a representative, Manning will bring her record of getting things done to a broken Washington D.C. She will work to make healthcare and prescription drugs more accessible and affordable and to expand opportunities for good paying jobs, and the education and training necessary to prepare people for the economy of the future.

“I have a thirty year track record of bringing people together to get things done. Now, I want to take that mission to Washington to fight for all North Carolinians,” said Kathy Manning, Candidate for US House in NC-06. “I will be a champion for solutions to the problems that keep North Carolinians up at night: affordable health care and prescription drugs, bringing good-paying jobs to our communities, and making our schools the best they can be.”

To learn more about Kathy Manning and her campaign in NC-06, visit https://www.kathymanningfornc.com/

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