How should you workout as an ex-collegiate athlete?

1 min readMay 21, 2022

If you played a sport in college, you are used to structure and being told what to do. However, as the NCAA loves to tell us during March Madness: you aren’t going pro. What they don’t say is how are you going to take care of yourself when the structure goes away?

There’s a misconception that you should be able to do the workouts you once did. However, a desk jockey lifestyle is not conducive to sprinting at max speed and lifting massive amounts of weight. Here’s what I advocate for instead:

Take care of your heart: focus on Zone 2 cardio. Get your heart rate to 120 and stay there for 15–30 mins. The method doesn’t matter: walk, jog, bike, row, swim, elliptical, pick your poison and be consistent as often as possible. Shoot for 2–3 times a week minimum, but you can do it daily.

Take care of the aches and pains: Work on pain free movement in your body. Back pain, hip pain, and knee pain are debilitating. Instead of breaking your body down, spend time going through mobility work, flexibility, and moving your joints and tissues through full range of motion.

Look better naked: You don’t have to compete any more, so you can be a little more vain. Lift weights to look better, eat so you feel better, and cut body fat so you look and feel better.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog




I write about running injuries and how I fixed my broken body | Trine University T&F Alumni | RPR Level 2 | FeedTheCats