AMA | NEAR Meerkat Kingdom <> Paras

NEAR Meerkat Kingdom
8 min readNov 24, 2021


Banner used for the AMA

Hi kingdom! For those who could not be at the AMA on Friday November 19 in the Paras Telegram, where our co-founder Osten answered some questions related to the objectives of the collection and its future, here we give you an article where you will find all those questions so you can read them and learn a little more about NMK!

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

Let me start the AMA with NEAR Meerkat Kingdom, everyone! 🤓😊

Good day! Paras is on fire this week 🔥

Yesterday, we had an AMA with NEARNauts, and today we are back again to hold an AMA with NEAR Meerkat Kingdom!

Stay tuned until the end of the sessions because WE HAVE AN EXCITING GIVEAWAY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YOU!

If you’re new to the Paras community, I’m Andini the community manager in Paras who will be hosting today’s AMA.

The AMA will be divided into 2 sessions and all will be done in text.

- The first session: Osten from NEAR Meerkats Kingdom AMA will answer the pre-screening questions. Everyone will not be able to send any messages during this session since it will be muted.

- The second session: Everyone can ask questions they would like to know & Osten will answer them.

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

Let’s welcome our speaker today, the co-founder of NEAR Meerkat Kingdom, Osten.

Please say hi to everyone, @oste_n 😊

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Hi everyone! Glad to be here and to be able to tell you more about what the Meerkat Kingdom is 😁

Andini, Community Manager of Paras


Let me introduce a bit about NEAR Meerkat Kingdom.

NEAR Meerkat Kingdom is one of its kind projects which will issue a collection of 5k generative Meerkats living on a NEAR blockchain Kingdom. You can learn more about the project & join the kingdom: /

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

So @oste_n please tell us more about NEAR Meerkat Kingdom and the story behind your project?

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Yes! Let me tell you more 😁

The NEAR Meerkat Kingdom are 5,000 unique meerkats that inhabit a kingdom on the NEAR blockchain. NMK is the first 5k generative collection in the history of NEAR Protocol.

We all know that meerkats are friendly animals, or so we think… that’s why we believe they are the perfect animal for our collection, as our main goal is to contribute to NEAR by trying to be the friendliest and most helpful community in the whole blockchain. At the same time, all the development processes that we do will be documented, so that anyone looking to create a collection in NEAR will find a clear path and all the information in one place.

We are a group of three friends with extensive experience in other blockchain, in which we participate in their communities from the beginning, such as Solana and Ethereum. In both blockchains we experienced a big boom in their community thanks to the NFTs collections, with NEAR we feel that we are just in the moment before a big explosion from the NFTs side, but this time we want to be one of the collections that causes this.

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

I understand that you have an experience in NFTs collection on Solana and Ethereum before, and you’ve got a big number of audiences there. What makes your team choose to integrate your project with the NEAR ecosystem? How will you do it?

Osten, co-founder of NMK

That’s true! As mentioned above we experienced how NFTs and art changed people’s lives and conception of the crypto world, mainly in Solana and Ethereum. But we strongly believe that NEAR has even a better future than the ecosystems previously mentioned, so let me explain why NEAR:

NEAR captivated us from the beginning because of their excellent team. Some of the most brilliant minds in the crypto world compose it and day by day they improve, optimize and make one of the blockchains with the greatest potential in the Crypto world work. But what is more important than the above mentioned, is the importance that the NEAR team gives to the community, they listen and assist them, unlike in most ecosystems where it is very difficult to contact the team. The NEAR staff responds when requested, the management of social networks is perfect, and day by day the frontiers of the ecosystem are expanding, which fills us with hope for the near future. That’s why we decided to build here, a reliable, secure network, with a strong team capable of solving any kind of obstacle that comes their way. KISSS, keep it simple, secure and scalable.

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

Once people get into NEAR Meerkat Kingdom, I’m sure there will be lots of Meerkat roam around the community. What makes each of them special?

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Good question!

There will be exactly 5k Meerkats going around the NEARverse! All of them are unique as their owner 😉

From the fundamentals side, they are literally unique because in the entire collection there is not going to be one that is the same as the other, which makes all 5,000 meerkats 1/1 unique NFTs!

In turn, by having a NEAR Meerkat Kingdom you become part of something bigger, a community that has the ambition to be one of the best in both NEAR and the entire ecosystem.

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

NEAR Meerkat Kingdom has a lot of potential in the community, can we have a little sneak peek of the future plans from NEAR Meerkat Kingdom?

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Of course we have potential! not only because of our work, but also because of the initiative and love that the community has been giving us in such a short time! You are great fellow Meerkats!

And when it comes to plans, we actually have a looot. First of all we are going to finish our giveaway the next week. And take a look at the following plans:

  • We are going to whitelist several members that reach a stipulated quantity of invites. Stay tuned in our discord server as we are going to make an announcement about this.
  • Merch (hype overload about this)
  • Rewards for the most active members
  • Charity plans for causes of the community’s choice
  • Airdrop for Meerkats hodlers and Discord server boosters

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

For the final question, we have announced a giveaway two days ago (If the community missed out the announcement, please check it here

Please tell us in detail what is the giveaway about and the requirements to participate?

Osten, co-founder of NMK

NEAR Meerkat Kingdom

🔥Giveaway Alert!!🔥 👑To start our community at 100% we are organizing a giveaway of 50 $NEAR tokens!! ⁉️ What are the requirements to participate? Very simple: — RT this tweet — Tag 2 friends — Follow us here — Join The Kingdom (Discord sv) #NEARvember #NearNft

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Sure! First I want to thank the Paras team for helping us spread our project, you guys are great!

This is a 50 $NEAR tokens giveaway! divided among three lucky persons in the following order: First place will receive 25 $NEAR, second place 15 $NEAR and the third place 5 $NEAR!

The requirements to participate in our giveaway are reaaally simple! So I encourage every single member of this chat to participate! In order to participate you must:

- RT this tweet

- Tag 2 friends

- Follow NMK in twitter

- Join The Kingdom (

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

I’m pretty sure lots of people will join the giveaway because the requirements are so EASY! 🤩

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

That marks the end of the first session. Thanks @oste_n for answering my questions above.

Let’s move to the second session where the community can ask any question they want and Osten will answer them for you.

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Thank you @andinipapy 🙌

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

In 10 seconds, it is your time to ask about the project & giveaway, everyone! Please ask away~


In the long run many NFT projects fail to maintain the momentum and become sluggish .

How will NEAR Meerkat Kingdom maintain the momentum and charm of the project in long run ?

Most of the NFTs traffic still remains on Ethereum. Solana tried but could only put a dent. Meanwhile, when it comes to GameFi, most traffic is over BSC. What did the team opt for Near? What plans do you have to bring more users to Near Protocol?

Do you have any plan to go metaverse inthe future?


Osten, co-founder of NMK

This is going to be the first question! Thanks @LobsterLamp 🙌

First of all, we have many projects, and we are aiming for the long term. We don’t plan to be a collection which starts and after the sold out ends, we are going to take advantage of this with the new partnerships that are coming and giving rewards to all the hodlers of our collection! We have great support from the whole NEAR community and the Blockchain in general so NEAR Meerkat Kingdom is here to stay!

Osten, co-founder of NMK

Really like that question! It’s something that I want to talk about because this is one of our main objectives, so thank you @changumangu1 for your question 😁

We know that the community of NFTs in NEAR is still a small number, although in the last few months it has been growing remarkably! Our main goal with this is to be able to start expanding the NEAR community in general and attract people to the whole ecosystem. We know that a collection of NFTs can make a big impact on the community so that’s our main goal. Even though we just started 2 days ago we have great marketing campaigns ready to be developed with the goal of attracting big collectors to NEAR by the hand of our kingdom!!

Osten, co-founder of NMK

And this is going to be the last question! Thanks @naocrituss for your participation here 🔥

The whole NMK team is and will be a metaverse lover, we have nothing to reveal yet as we have more important things to focus on in the short term but we are very determined to apply the metaverse to our collection as a future plan to give a life more real than an image to each and every one of the 5000 meerkats!

So guys, thank you all for your participation here, hope you like it and learned about our beautiful kingdom ❤️

Make sure to join our discord server, and stay tuned!

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

Great answers Osten!

We hope that your curiosity has been fulfilled because we are about to end today’s AMA. Thank you for tuning in until the end of the sessions!

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

NEAR Meerkat Kingdom (@NearMKingdom) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from NEAR Meerkat Kingdom (@NearMKingdom). 👑NEAR Meerkat Kingdom is a collection of 5k generative Meerkats living on a NEAR blockchain Kingdom. Join the kingdom: NEARVerse

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

As mentioned here, if you still have more questions about NEAR Meerkat Kingdom, hop into their social media platforms:

- Twitter:

- Discord channel:

Stay tuned to Paras’ social media for more upcoming updates & projects!

Andini, Community Manager of Paras

Big thanks to @oste_n for having the AMA with us. Bye all! 👋

That’s all folks! Here we leave you our social media so you don’t miss any of our latest news and you can start being part of the kingdom 👑

Discord | Twitter



NEAR Meerkat Kingdom

👑NEAR Meerkat Kingdom is a collection of 5k generative Meerkats living on a NEAR blockchain Kingdom.