10 Ways Schools Can Participate in I Love Public Schools Day

Here are a few tips and tricks for schools to prepare for the third annual I Love Public Schools Day Wednesday, January 24.

4 min readJan 17, 2018


Online January 24.
  1. Share the message on your school’s social media
    Use these graphics and messages to help spread the word.

I Love Public Schools Day Artwork
Printable Ideas List
Sample Social Media Posts

2. Encourage your staff to wear I Love Public Schools shirts
Consider this holiday a bonus casual Friday. Your staff will appreciate the extra ‘jeans’ day. Make sure to take plenty of photos and share them online with #ilovepublicschools or email them to brittany@nelovesps.org

3. Host a mini pep rally or assembly on January 24
Invite your school to come together for a few moments during the day. Ask a few students and teachers to share what makes them most proud of your school and why they love being apart of your school community. Take pictures and videos and share with #ilovepublicschools

4. Email parents about the day
Invite your parents to be part of the big day. Tell them about how your school will be celebrating and ask them to share a story about something that has had an impact on their student. Send us your favorites and we’ll feature them throughout the day.

5. Include I Love Public Schools Day in your next school newsletter
Tell your school community know about I Love Public Schools Day. From interested community members to your school board, to your parents and teacher, include a mention of the day and encourage everyone to show their pride.

6. Make an I Love Public Schools video
Listen, learn and understand how students view their school. As filmmakers we love to see students show off their creativity and demonstrate their storytelling skills. Encourage a class or club to create a video about what makes your school special. Listen, learn and understand how students view their school.

7. Encourage students to get creative
Students provide a powerful perspective on public schools. Ask students to share their impression of your school. We’ve seen great student work from written stories about a favorite teacher to colorful kindergarten art that shares students’ favorite part of learning.

8. Theme your school hallways and bulletin boards
Decorate the halls of your school with some extra school pride and love. Consider this an easy way to set up Valentine’s Day decor by inviting students to share why they love your school. Bonus points for crafty, paper hearts.

9. Invite local media to spend the day in your school
Call your local paper or television station and invite them to tour your school on I Love Public Schools Day. Get some extra face-to-face time with reporters and explain what’s new with your school. Give your students a voice to share about the opportunities the school and community provide.

10. Add the holiday to your school website
Put the day on your school’s homepage or Google calendar. Remind your community to take a moment during the day to share one story online about your school.




A passionate team of documentary filmmakers on a mission to showcase & celebrate Nebraska's public schools. Creators of the original #ilovepublicschools shirt